Chapter 25 : Be My Mess

Start from the beginning

Less than an hour later, they were already at Jinyoung's place, Jisoo swallowed as she walked in, and Jinyoung closed the door behind them.

"Are you sure about me staying here?", Jisoo asked as she looked at Jinyoung, and Jinyoung's heart skipped when he realised that it was the same look Jisoo had given him years ago when he first took her home, but Jinyoung then quickly snapped out of his thoughts.

"Yes.", Jinyoung said, looking away from her, nervous, "I'll show you to your room.", Jinyoung said suddenly, leading the way, and they went up the stairs, Jinyoung's house wasn't exactly a mansion like Jisoo's parents' house, it was modern but it was still huge. And seeing all of this made Jisoo realise how hard Jinyoung must have worked despite coming from a family that was super rich, just like Jisoo.

Jinyoung did live in a mansion with his parents once, until they decided to move to The States for good and that was when Jinyoung had asked his parents if he could get his own place as he didn't want to live in that mansion alone. Considering that he was already working and was already doing well in the company at that time, his parents agreed, and so they sold the mansion before moving and that was when Jinyoung got the place he's currently living in.

"You can use this room.", Jinyoung said, opening the door to the normal sized room, it was good enough for Jisoo, she didn't mind, as long as she had a place to stay.

"Thanks.", Jisoo said chewing on her bottom lip and Jinyoung nodded as he left the room and closed the door behind him.

He headed to his room and he was relieved somehow, his heart felt content that now he'll get to see her 24/7.

Jisoo immediately threw herself on the bed once Jinyoung left, she sighed in relief, she didn't know why he had wanted to bring her in, but she was happy he did, although there were some things to worry about, but Jisoo was positive that nothing would go wrong these few weeks.

"The good thing about this is I'll get to see you 24/7.", Jisoo said to herself, smiling a little.

Her mind then found it's way back to when Jinyoung first took her home.

"No one's home?", Jisoo asked, looking around.

"Nope. Just the maid.", Jinyoung said with a small smile, and Jisoo mumbled an oh. Jisoo seemed nervous, and Jinyoung chuckled at that.

"Don't worry Jisoo, nothing funny, I promise.", he smiled and it took one smile for Jisoo to feel assured.

"Okay.", she smiled.

"Let's start with our Biology lessons shall we?", Jinyoung said, reaching his hand out and Jisoo smiled, gladly taking it.

"Yes, we shall.", Jisoo smiled.

Jisoo smiled at the distant memory, and drifting to sleep right after.


3 Missed Calls

Jackson sighed at his phone screen, it was from Jennie, he has been so busy in China that he hasn't been able to talk to Jennie. He looked at the time and it was almost 11pm.

He then dialed Jennie's number, in hopes Jennie wasn't asleep. Jennie picked up within a few rings.

"Hello.", Jennie said from the other line, it sounded like she just woke up.

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