The Surprise in the Cake 💍

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Just by the title you should be able to tell what this is about. It's Valentine's Day so there has to be some romance. Enjoy!


It was Valentine's Day. The holdiay dedicated to love. Hank and Connor loved this holdiday for two reasons. One, it's the day that they can truly treat themselves to a manner of guilty things. Two, it was the day the officially became boyfriends. This Valentine's Day marks their third anniversary. Hank a a huge surprise planned. Connor tried to get him to tell him what the surprise was, but Hank managed to keep it a secret much to his lover's dismay. As Hank straightened his tie in the mirror, a wave of nervousness washed over him. He was going to make a big commitment tonight. "Are you ready to go Hank?" Connor asked from the other side of the door. Hank took a deep breath and replied, "As ready as I'll ever be."

At a restaraunt

Hank parked the car and turned off the ignition. They had finally arrived at Francine's Amoure House. It was gamous not only for the food, but also for its reputation for couples getting together and getting engaged. Hank definitely chose the right place to do what he's wanted to do since Connor said yes to being his boyfriend. They went inside and the lady there checked for their reservation. It was there and they were led to a table for two. It had Valentine's decor and the only light in the entire restaurant was emitted from heart shaped candles. It definitely set the mood for romance.

They sat down and a waiter came to take their orders. "Welcome to Francine's Amoure House," he said, "I am Pierre and I'll be your waiter this evening." He took their orders and disappeared behind two doors on the other side of the restaurant. "You didn't have to bring me here for our anniversary Hank," Connor said, "Staying at home would've been fine with me." "You deserve only the best Con," Hank replied. "Fine," Connor said, "Don't go all out next time though." "No promises," Hank replied. Pierre returned with their meals and said, "Enjoy your romantic evening." Connor thanked him and Pierre left. The two lover's enjoued thier meals and talked about anything that came to mind.

It was some time later in the evening, that Pierre returned to ask if they wanted dessert. Connor was going to say no since sugar makes his systems go crazy. Hank interrupted him and whispered something in Pierre's ear. Pierre nodded and went back to the kitchen. "What did you tell him?" Connor asked. "Just for something special," Hank replied. Connor was going to question further, but Pierre came back with a plate of chocolate cake. He placed it in front of Connor and left quickly. "Hank you know sugar makes my systems go haywire," Connor said pushing the plate towards Hank. "I made sure to ask for sugar free cake," Hank said sliding it back to him. Connor looked down at the cake and picked up his fork. "Go ahead," Hank said.

Hank was getting nervous again. Connor was so close to finding out the surprise. Hank hoped that he would respond the way he wanted him to. Connor broke off a piece of cake and put it to his mouth. He ate it and found out, to his relief, that there was no suagr in the cake. A few bites in, the sound of metal clinking metal caught Connor's attention. He looked down and picked up the metal object. Upon further inspection, Connor found out it was a ring. He looked at his partner and said, "Hank... are you...?" Hank then took the ring from Connor and got down on one knee. "Here goes nothing," Hank thought. "Connor you've made me the happiest man alive. We've had so many good times and I will cherish them until I die," Hank said, "I'd like to ask you an important question. Will you marry me?"

Connor had tears in his eyes as he said, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Hank smiled and slipped the ring onto Connor's finger. Everyone in the restaurant were staring and smiling. Hank got up and pulled Connor into a passionate kiss. They broke apart after a few minutes. "I love you so fucking much," Hank whispered. "I love you too," Connor replied. They paid for their meal and went home, still smiling. They got married afew months later and spent the rest of their lives together. Hank and Connor were the happiest people alive.


Hey everyone! This was adorable! I hope this got y'all in the Valentine's Day spirit. The next one might crush some of you. It'll be here on or just after Valentine's Day. Until then, BYE!


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