New Year, New Life

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This is the final part to Decorating the Tree! It will end Hank, Connor and Luna's stroy arc. Enjoy!


Third person's P.O.V.

Five hours 'til midnight

"Only a few hours to go!" Luna said excitedly. She ran upstairs to her parents' room and burst through the door. Connor was still fast asleep. "Daddy! C'mon you've been in bed forever," Luna said as she climbed up on the empty side of the bed. She gently shook her pregnant dad. He stirred and slowly opened his eyes, "What do you need sweetie?" he asked. "You've been in bed almost all day. You're going to miss the fireworks," she said. Connor slowly sat up and said, "Sorry Luna." "No need to apologize," Luna said. Connor slowly got up and put a hand on his baby bump. "When is the bay gonna come?" Luna asked as she got off. Connor was about to answer when he felt like he peed himself. "Now," Connor said. Realisation dawned on Luna's face and she called out, "Papa! The baby's coming!" 

Hank quickly made his way upstairs. "Ahh!" Connor yelled as he had a contraction. Hank held Connor steady until the contraction ended. "We need to get to the hospital," Hank said. Luna ran to her room and put on a sweater and boots. She then ran downstairs and went outside where Hank was helping Connor into the car. Luna hopped in the back with Connor and held his hand. "This is so exciting!" she thought. Hank started the car and drove to the hospital. Connor had many contractions on the way and tried his best not to break Luna's hand. 

Once they arrived, Connor was rushed to a room to wait until he dilated 10 centimetres. Luna sat in a chair next Connor. "How long until the baby comes?" she asked Connor. "Can't say for sure," he replied. "Does everyone know we're here?" Luna asked. "Hank is calling Conan and Gavin to come watch you," Connor replied. "But I wanna be with you when the baby is born!" Luna said, dissappointed. Connor sat up on the bed and scooted over slightly. He patted the space next to him and Luna slowly approached him. Once she was beside the bed, Connor helped her up. "You're too young to be there," Connor said. "I may be five, but I'm very... Um," Luna said, "What's the 'm' word again?" "Mature," Connor replied, holding back a laugh. "Yeah! That word!" Luna said. "Trust me," Connor began, "You don't want to see me giving birth." "Why?" Luna asked, her curiosity was getting the better of her. "Just trust me," Connor said again. Luna sighed and said, "Okay daddy." 

Hank came back in the room, with Conan and Gavin in tow. "Uncles!" Luna said excitedly. She ran over to them and hugged them. "Hi little moon," Conan said. "Ahhh!" Connor screamed as he had another contraction. Hank went over to him and held him tightly. "Want to wait outside?" Gavin asked Luna. "Not yet," Luna replied. "I don't remember being in this much pain when I gave birth to Luna," Connor said once the contraction ended. "Maybe your second child is going to be a wild one," Conan said. "Just don't give this one a toy gun for their birthday," Hank said. "No promises," Gavin replied. Everyone laughed. "Speaking of presents, did you like your Christmas present?" Gavin asked. "I'm getting better at hitting the targets with the arrows," Luna said. "No toy bow and arrow either," Hank said. Everyone laughed again. 

A nurse came in and checked how many centimetres Connor had dilated. "Great news. You've dilated 10 cm. I'll get you to a delivery in a moment," the nurse said. She left and came back with a few doctors. "C'mon Luna," Conan said taking her hand. She didn't want to leave her parents, but knew that she had to. She winced as she heard her daddy scream when she left the room. 

Gavin and Conan took her to a waiting room near to the delivery room Connor was in. Luna covered her ears every time she heard Connor's screams echo down the hall. It sounded really bad. "Is Daddy okay in there?" she asked Gavin. "He's fine. It just hurts a little to give birth," Gavin explained. Luna nodded and tried to distract herself. That was a hard task since Connor's screams got louder and more frequent. "Look out the window Luna," Conan said. As soon as she looked fireworks went off. Luna looked back to her uncles with a look of excitement . She wished she didn't look at them. "There's a child in the room," she said turning away from them quickly. Gavin and Conan broke their kiss and laughed. Once the fireworks died down, a baby's cries could be heard. Luna jumped up and down excitedly. "The baby's here!" she shouted. 

A few hours later

Luna finally could go and see her parents and her new sibling! She raced down the hallway, leaving her uncles far behind her. She pushed the door open and smiled when she saw a blue bundle in Connor's arms. She went to his side and said, "I have a baby brother!" Hank and Connor laughed at her excitement. "What's his name?" Luna asked, staring at her sleeping brother curiously. "Blaise Anderson," Hank replied. "I love Blaise!" Luna said. Connor and Hank laughed again. 

Conan peeped through the door and asked, "Can we come in?" "Of course you can," Connor replied. Conan pushed open the door and came in with Gavin. "What name did you choose for our nephew?" Gavin asked. "His name is Blaise," Luna answered. "We have a birthday present for him," Conan said. "What is it?" Hank asked. He eyed Gavin suspiciously. Gavin took a box out of his jacket and handed ot to Connor. Hank took Blaise into his arms while Connor opened the small wrapped box. "Seriously Gavin?" Connor said as he held up a teething ring in the shape of a ninja star. Luna and Conan burst into laughter. Hank angrily glared at Gavin. He handed Blaise back to Connor and said, "You have three seconds to run." "You better run Gavin," Conan said. Gavin darted from the room and Hank quickly followed. "This is the best start to a new year ever!" Luna yelled excitedly. "It sure is," Connor replied looking down at his baby boy.


Hey everyone! I like this family a lot. I think I could make this into it's own separate book at some point. That might take a while since I have a couple other top secret projects that I'm working on. Next oneshot will come next week. Until then, BYE


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