Chapter Forty- Five: Well Done Boo

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{Leigh- Anne's POV}

"This one?" I hold up an adorable baby onesie to Jesy. She nods and I put it back. We're supposed to be out dress shopping for tonight but we kind of got sidetracked and are now in the baby section of Gap. 

"Leigh- Anne!" I hear Jesy squeal. I run around to where she is and she's holding the most beautiful baby  coat I have ever seen. It's a grey trench coat, stuffed with fleece on the inside, three clips down the front and a hood that has ears on it. 

"We have to get that." I demand and Jesy rapidly nods her head. We head up to the counter and pay halves for the coat. It cost nineteen pounds and will fit Perrie's baby until the baby is twelve months. Bargain in my opinion. 

"Right, we really need to find some dresses." Jesy says as we walk out of Gap. I nod and we head into Yves Saint Laurent. I flick through the black and red sections. We decided as a band to go for red and black colours tonight. 

My eyes come across a black dress and I pull one off the rack in my size. It was originally 235 pounds but has been reduced to 100 pounds. 

"Jes!" I call. Her head pops up from one of the racks and I try not to laugh at how funny that looked. She seemed like a meercat popping up. "Change rooms." I point at them. She nods and we both head over to them. 

I hand Jesy the Gap bag and my purse before heading into the cubical to try on my dress. It fits perfectly and I finally show it to Jesy, after her constant pleading for me to come out. 

"What do you think?" I ask her turning a little bit. She nods her head immediately and I look at it in the full length mirror. 

The black dress drops about ten centimetres above my knees and it is a straight cut from my armpits. It has little sleeves and around my neck is a silver fabric, adding a bit of edge to it. 

"You look amazing Leigh!" Jesy compliments me. I look at the dress once more and smile. I'm not going to say I look amazing, but I do look quuite hot. A girl needs to compliment herself sometimes.

"I'm going to get it." I tell Jesy. Jesy claps and I change out of the dress ever so carfeully before going and paying the 100 pounds for my dress that I shall wear tonight. 

Jesy asks to go to Dolce and Gabana so we head in there and I help Jesy find a dress for her to wear. I have a feeling Jesy will look the sexiest tonight, Jade the cutest, me the edgiest and Perrie will look pretty hot but still suttle. 

Jesy ends up finding a dress and I wait on a ottaman in the change room area whilst she changes into it. Tonight shall be a lot of fun! We're nominated for the World's Biggest Girl Group or Band award and for the Inspiring Teens award. We're up against amazing artists though so I'm not sure how it's going to end up for us? Either way, it will be a great night with wicked after parties. 

"Ready Leigh- Anne?" Jesy asks from behind the black curtain of the cubical she's in. 

"Sure am!" I call back. The curtain opens to reveal Jesy. My mouth gapes open. "Damn girl you look sexy.'" I cheer. She laughs and does a little strut and twirl. 

The shop assistant gives her a wolf whistle as she passes and we laugh along with the shop assistant. "Best I've seen that dress on anybody! It's hard to pull off." The shop assistant compliments Jesy. Jesy blushes a little and I nod. See, that's nice what that shop assistant did. No sexual intentions, didn't turn her nose up and didn't act all jealous of Jesy, just complimented her and made Jesy feel better. More people need to be like that!

"So, this one Lee- Lee?" Jesy asks me. I look at the figure hugging, just past the knees, sleeves to the elbows, wide collared, red dress that Jesy is wearing. It goes with her amazing figure and skin tone perfectly.

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