Chapter Nineteen: Mixed Emotions and Asha & Ruby

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{Jade's POV}

Everbody leaves to get food but I decide to stay with Harry. Once everyone leaves I go and sit next to him and grab his cold hand. 

"Harry, please can you wake up," I mumble. "Yes, you were stupid but so was the truck driver and that doesn't give anybody the right to have you laying here," I say a tear rolling down my cheek. "If you wake up I will be really happy. We all will be. I mean, you will soon thankfully but the suspense is killing us all. If you're trying to pull a prank it's not funny either Styles!" I warn. "Take you time though, but not too much. We need you, I need you," I say wiping my tears and then kissing his forehead.

Everyone walks in and I sit up. 

"Jade." Harry mumbles. I spin and look at him along with everyone else. His eyes open and we all sigh in relief. 

{Harry's POV}

"Harry, please can you wake up," I hear Jade's voice mumble. I can also feel her playing with my hand. "Yes, you were stupid but so was the truck driver and that doesn't give anybody the right to have you laying here," she continues, sounding like she's crying. "If you wake up I will be really happy. We all will be. I mean, you will soon thankfully but the suspense is killing us all. If you're trying to pull a prank it's not funny either Styles!" She warns. I feel my heart flutter when she says Styles like that. "Take you time though, but not too much. We need you, I need you," she moves her hands away and then kisses my forehead. 

I feel my body warm and the energy to speak arrives. 

"Jade." I mumble trying to get her to come back. I open my eyes and everyone is smiling at me, including my Mum, Robin, some guy with Gemma and Jade. Molly's here too along with Niall and Perrie who have like five packets of chips, Zayn, Leigh and Aden, Jesy and Jordan, Louis, Eleanor and Indie and Liam. 

"Harry," Mum cries and kisses my forehead multiple times. Gemma squishes me, the others hug me, Molly pecks muy lips and then Jade walks over. 

"Thanks," she whispers in my ear when she hugs me.

"You helped." I reply and she blushes before moving away. My stomach rumbles. 

"Is there a nurse? I'm a little hungry," I say. Not to mention there's a throbbing pain in my leg.

"Here," Perrie hands me some chips before Niall takes them and eats them. The others laugh and the door opens. 

A girl our age wearing hospital clothes with a lab coat over the top and a stethoscope around her neck appears. Niall jumps up and throws his chips away. Someone likes the doctor. 

"Hello! Harry, you're awake!" She smiles. I sit up and groan from the pain in my leg.

"Careful lad," she laughs and helps me up. "I'm Doctor Oscar," she smiles.

"Hello love," I reply giving her my famous smile. "Thank you," I add. 

"It's cool. Now do you wanna know what happened?" She asks. I nod and the others laugh. 

"So about six hours ago you were in a car accident. Cement truck smashed into the driver's side. Your sister is fine I hope," Dr. Oscar looks at Gemma and Gemma nods. "And as for you, you had a collapsed lung and a giant shard of glass in your right thigh but now you're all good! You will be able to leave tomorrow and you'll probably be on crutchers for a couple of days but apart from that, you're a tough one!" Dr. Oscar smiles cheerfully. What the hell is going on with her accent?

"Excuse me love, what's with your accent?" Louis asks. Typical Louis. She giggles and Niall's ridiculous smile grows bigger. 

"Um, I was born in Ireland, lived there for a while then moved to South Shields so, the accent kind of got a little muddled," she replies. We laugh and she shrugs. 

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