Chapter Twenty: Break- Ups

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{Harry's POV}

Okay, my feelings for Jade are getting really strong. Jarry is coming into my mind but I feel really bad about Molly. 

Whenever I'm around Jade I'm really happy and I thought I was really happy with Molly but Jade, she's just Jade. 

It's been a month since I started feeling like this. Yes, the whole of April, the whole time when we were in studio and I still feel like this. Molly needs to not be stuck in a love triangle. It's not fair on her. Is this even a love triangle? Does Jade even like me like this?

Oh god! No. I can't treat Molly like this. I need to follow my heart. Why the heck am I over thinking this? 

Here it goes.

"Molly," I mumble walking over to her and sitting on the couch in front of her. I grab her hands.

"Yeah Hazz?" She asks confused.

"Um, I've been thinking a lot and one of the things I've been thinking about is you," I say. She nods still a little confused. "I'm not being fair to you. I have fallen in love with someone else and I'd hate to hurt you and I know this is probably going to hurt you but, oh my gosh I'm an ass," I groan holding my head in my hands. 

"Harry, it's fine," Molly lifts my head. "Thank you for being honest," she smiles. I nod and decide to not say anything. "Can I ask who the girl is?"

I guess it's only fair to tell her. "Jade."

She nods and stands up grabbing her bag. "See you around I guess." And with that she's gone. Was that the right decision?

{Jade's POV}

"You broke up with Molly. Oh Hazz," Leigh hugs him. I flutter of hope enters my heart. No Jade, that's selfish but I can't help but get excited. 

"Why?" Perrie asks him. 

"Didn't feel the same anymore," Harry replies. Niall smirks at me and I tell him to quit it. "Anyways, let's get back to writing for our album," Harry smiles.

I forgot to mention, we're both getting new albums but writing together and songs for each other because it's heaps of fun to hang together in the studio. 

"Harry, a word?" Perrie asks. He nods and follows her outside. 

"Well, that lasted three months," Liam sighs. The boys chuckle a little and we slap them. I wonder why Harry REALLY called it off. 

{Perrie's POV}

"Your what?" I screech. 

"Shhh!" Harry covers my mouth. I lick his hand and he pulls it away digusted. "Yes Perrie, I am in love wiht Jade," he whispers. People are looking at us weirdly. 

"Oh Harry," I smile. If only he knew, but I cannot tell him that, yet. "What are you going to do?" I ask confused. 

"Not sure. I need to find out if she likes me first and then maybe I'll ask her on a date if a couple of months pass and neither of us have any other realtionships and I don't know if she likes me," Harry explains his plan. I agree trying not to smile and give away that Jade actually likes Harry. 

Harry walks back in and I smirk. Oh I need to tell Niall this new goss! He's gunna flip and then we'll have awesome conversations and do some match making. 

{Leigh's POV}

I go home and find ten missed calls on my phone, which I managed to leave here, from Jonnie Edwards. Something must be up.

I call him back and he picks up on the second ring. 

"Hey Leigh," he says a little tone of worriedness in his voice. 

"Hey Jonnie, what's going on?" I ask now worried myself.

"I need to tell you the truth about Aden," he says. I sigh. "What did he tell you?" 

"That he got discharged," I reply going by what Aden told me. Jonnie sighs. 

"Oh Leigh." 

"What Jonnie?" I ask panicked.

He tells me what Aden really did and now I'm furious. Oh that boy is going to pay, once I talk to Zayn. 


"Zayn Malik!" My voice booms through their house. 

"Up here!" I hear the Bradford accent chime from upstairs. I rush up them and find him on his bed writing songs. He puts them aside. 

"What's wrong Leigh?"

"Aden. Tell me the truth Zayn," I fume. Zayn sighs and pats the bed in front of him. I go and sit down, cross legged and Zayn coughs. I tell him about what Jonnie said and Zayn looks angry. He sighs and then prepares to speak. 

"When we were in high school, he was a womaniser. A new girl everyday. He was very rude to them too. I tried to be nice because of you but I knew he was still trouble," Zayn says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I saw him with three other girls over the past month," Zayn replies.

"Zayn!" I screech slapping his chest. "You didn't tell me!" I yell. 

"Sorry. I didn't tell anyone," he replies. "And just a memo, he used to bash me up quite often at school for being artsy," Zayn adds. Oh that ass hole!

"Aww, Zayn," I hug him. 

"Sorry Leigh, do you want me to come when you break up with him?" Zayn asks. 

"It's okay, I heard your gorgeous wife just come in downstairs, spend time with her," I smile before kissing Zayn's cheek and walking downstairs. 

Perrie comes up as I go down. 

"Hey Leigh," she smiles. 

"Hey Perrie," I say with anger in my body. 

"Did I do something?" She asks. I turn back.

"No, but talk to your husband," I reply. She walks up the stairs confused and I head out to my car and drive to Aden's.

I bash on the door and he answers.

"Hey Leigh," he smiles. I just stand there really angry. "What's wrong?"

"I had a chat to a few people. You didn't get discharged, you got kicked out for sleeping with all of the women, not to mention getting three of them pregnant," I fume. "Secondly, how dare you see girls behind my back!" I yell. "Thirdly, there is nothing wrong with Zayn being artsy, he is a very talented person and has done well in life so you had no reason to hurt him!" I yell. Aden looks down. "Fourthly, pull your shit together Aden- Jay!" I yell. "And finally, we're over," I say before walking down the steps.

"Leigh," he whines. 

"Good day Aden," I say before jumping into my car. 

That feels so good!

I dial Perrie through my car bluetooth and she picks up. 

"Oh my gosh Leigh!" Perrie yells.

"It's fine, I broke up with him," I reply. Perrie sighs.

"So?" She asks.

"Um, do you want to get the others together and we can go out for dinner tonight?" I ask. 

"Sure! Where?" She asks. I mumble and think of a place to go. 

"Maybe Buon Ricordo," I suggest. It's an awesome Italian restuarant in Paddington.

"Yeah! Sounds good! I'll get Zayn to text the boys and I'll do the other girls, will you book?" Perrie asks.

"Yeah! How many?" I ask.

"Well there's the nine between the two bands, plus Jordan, Eleanor and Indie, so twelve but um, Jordan and Jesy were hanging with Jumpy Perri so, thirteen," Perrie replies. I love how she still calls him 'Jumpy Perri' not just Perri Kiely.  

"Cool!" I smile. "Six thirty, see you soon babe," I cheer.

"Babye baba," she replies before hanging up. Time to book a dinner. 

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