Every Morning Routine Ever(Ian)

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Y/n's P.O.V

So we had a planning meeting yesterday about a new skit called Every Morning Routine Ever and it's sounds fun but I have to kiss Ian, as well as straddle him in bed and then proceed to go under the covers with him.......AND I'M SCARED! I like him but I'm just scared I'm not gonna do it right or maybe he doesn't like me like that! So many thoughts are running through my head! I didn't even realize but while I was mentally freaking out a scene already passed. They only did it in a couple takes! I had to get out of here, I need to get some air before I faint. I get up casually and put on the best bored face I could conjure to make sure no one knew something is wrong with me. I get out and I see Keith practicing lines quietly and pacing, script in hand but he's not looking at it. He normally does this before a skit. He sees me a smiles, I smile back and walk over. "Hey Keith!"I go in to hug him cause I hadn't seen him this morning cause I immediately went to the office but he was talking with Noah. Then we started filming and he came out here. He hugs back and we let go. "Whatcha doin'?"I ask even though I know what he's doing, I'm honestly just trying to act natural. "Just running lines. How 'bout you?"Oh god...I didn't have an answer. "I uh, um, guess I came out to think?"I said but it sounded more like a question, Keith looked at me and I could already tell I was caught...shoot. "Okay what's actually going on?"He asked knowingly. "Fine. I may have a crush on Ian..."I looked up at him since he was a bit taller than me. He looked at me, giving me his foochie face, "Girl why didn't you just tell me? You already know I'll love you either way!"He stated. "I know but I'm kinda embarrassed. And I've only ever kissed someone once, not including the multiple times I've had to kiss people here for skits. I've literally kissed almost everyone except Noah! And I've literally kissed Shayne twice, TWICE! And now I have to kiss Ian and I'm just super nervous!"I explain while pacing. "Your an amazing kisser! I should know, like you said you've kissed me before! Your gonna do awesome! And if for some weird reason Ian doesn't like you, then it's his loss. Cause you are amazing and he'll definitely see that."He finishes and I look up at him. "Thanks Keith. Your a really good friend!"I say and hug him. As he hugs back he makes a sassy remark, "Tell me something I don't know, damn!"I laugh and we go back inside. I see they are almost done with the scene before mine and Ian. I'm still scared but Keith puts his hand on my shoulder and I smile at him. They finish the scene and it's our turn. Ian and I were already in out costumes and we didn't use wigs. I tied my hair up in a messy bun. I go to the bed and lay down and we start filming.
(Italics mean the scene is happening)
I got up from bed and went to the bathroom. I take my hair down from the messy bun and brush it. Ian comes in and wraps his arms around my waist from behind. I smile and trun around in his arms. "Good morning beautiful."He says to me and it made my heart break dance like Flitz. "Morning handsome."I say, our faces are really close. "What no 'good' morning?"He asks playfully. I smirk and get ready for the kiss...I do it and kiss him for just longer than a peck. AHHHHHH- wait...that wasn't too bad, I think I did well, and damn he is a good kisser. I'm determined to do it in one take to save the akwardness after. "I'll show you a good morning."I say and we run over to the bed and jump onto it. I STRADDLE HIM and he says, "If I woke up the same time as you everyday, would I get this treatment?"He asks. I innocently shrug and fall right next to him and we pull the cover over ourselves. We start to elbow and kick the blanket and moan and make weird kiss noises to make it look like we're doing the do. The scene finished and we both get off the bed, then I realize, we did it in one take!"Wait a minute! WE DID IT IN ONE TAKE!"Ian realizes and his eyes widen as he looks at me, we usually have to do several takes! He picks me up and spins me around in celebration! He sets me down in front of him, still holding my waist as we look into each others eyes for a few seconds before we look away and I see Keith looking at me and nodding his head. I smile and think, 'Maybe this is just the small start of something big...'

Smosh imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora