When the day finally comes around, Camila is practically bouncing on the way there, and once her mami drops her off, she runs around the playground looking for Lauren, the stuffed Nala cradled in her arms. When she finally sees her, getting a kiss goodbye from her father, she runs over and waits excitedly.

Lauren turns around, and her green eyes are dull and grey. Camila decides she doesn't like it. "Hi, Camz. Did you have fun at Disney?"

"For you," Camila presents the lion, "I buy for you. Para hacerte sonreír."

Lauren blinks down at the toy in surprise, and Camila's face falls when she doesn't immediately take it and hug it. "But... you wanted to buy your Stitch."

"You smiling. I like that more." Camila shrugs, shaking the toy to emphasise her for you. "Take. Lo único que quiero es hacerte sonreír."

Slowly, Lauren takes the toy like it's something precious, and wraps her arms around it, snuggling it to her chest. "Gracias, mi amor."

Then, she snuggles against Camila in a hug, nuzzling her face into Camila's neck, and the younger girl blushes, mumbling, "Mi amor? Mami and papi say that to each other."

"Mine do, too," Lauren mumbles, blinking up at her with a dazed smile. "Can we be like that when we're older? Can we live together, mi amor?"

"Si," Camila nods, because she'd really do anything for Lauren, "siempre."


Nala doesn't fix all of Lauren's problems, but she helps, and Camila thinks that's what counts.

She's always so quiet at school, since her abuela had died, and while Camila doesn't entirely understand the finality of death yet, she does understand that it's hurting her best friend.

When the bell rings for recess, Camila is the first out of the classroom, waiting by Lauren's, since her class hasn't been let out yet. Everyone else rushes out, and Lauren isn't included in that, so Camila walks into the classroom, looking around inquisitively. The classroom is more grown up, and there's no little play areas, so it's not hard for her to spot Lauren, sat in her chair, Nala on her lap.

Camila feels proud of herself; Lauren hasn't been seen without Nala since Camila had given it to her. She skips over to Lauren and tugs her by the wrist. "Come on, Lolo. It's playtime."

"Don't wanna play," Lauren mumbles, and when she looks up and meets Camila's gaze, the younger girl sees the tears in her eyes, "Don't wanna go out."

"But... Lolo, it's recess," Camila pouts, tugging her again, "we play."

The tears well in Lauren's eyes, and she bites down on her bottom lip, shaking her head. "No, don't wanna."

Camila pulls out the chair next to her and sits down. "We play here, then."

"Am I a baby?" Lauren asks her, and Camila frowns, not understanding the question. "Keaton says I'm a baby because I keep bringing Nala. But- but I need her."

"You are not a baby, mi amor," Camila assures her, pressing a kiss to Lauren's tear-streaked cheek. "You big and strong."

Lauren cries, and snuggles Nala to her chest. "Mami tried to take her away this morning because she thinks I'm too old for a cuddly toy, and- and I got upset, but not like normal. It was like... I couldn't breathe, and I was scared I was gonna die, Camz."

"No, Lolo," Camila pulls Lauren close to her, feeling her best friend's body shake as she cries and cuddles Nala, "Can't die. Yo protejo."

"You don't think I'm stupid for needing Nala, do you?" Lauren asks, and Camila shakes her head, running her fingers through Lauren's hair in an attempt to comfort her. "That's why I love you. That's why we're gonna be best friends forever."

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