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  Slender-man's P.O.V.

I haven't left my office since I came back from Splender's house. I was pacing the floor thinking if I should go or now to the dreamscape. So many things could go wrong and not a lot will go right. I didn't know what I could do. I could just wake Jeff up and almost everyone would be happy. Sally would but she would be more happy with Y/n. She would want a complete stranger and not her own family. I sighed before sitting in my chair and looked out the window. Ben was just leaving

  Sally's P.O.V.--

E.J. was showing me around the woods. Showing me what to watch out for. We sent hours doing this, and I was hungry now. "Jack can we stop please I want food." He was ahead of me. Yet he didn't turn around when I called. "Jack, are you even listening?" He slightly looked at me. " Just a little further then we can stop." Arrga why? I just wanted food.

 I stilled followed him. I promised Jane I would be on my best behavior for Jack. I won't lie it was hard.

Soon we came across an overgrown graveyard. It was beautiful. So many pretty flowers and peaceful gravestones. "wow." That was all I could say. I heard Jack chuckle. "Come on follow me. I want you to meet someone." I wonder who it could be. I was following him until I got distracted. I saw a deer on the other side of the graveyard. I stopped to watch it. I grew hungry just watching it. I start to growl at it. I crawled closer to it.

 I was close to ponce on it, but something graded me and put me over their shoulders, and yelled at the deer to get. I recognized it was Jack who had picked me up. "Come on Sally you have to follow me so you don't get lost."

  He took me a little ways away from the graveyard to an old willow tree. The tree, unlike the surrounding trees, was so lively, so green. Carved in the tree was (E.J & A <3.) At the bottom of the tree was a grave. It was covered in dead leaves and branches. I moved them out of the way to read the name. Ani??-18 Beloved friend. They didn't know when she was born? "Jack, who is she?" I really wanted to know why he wanted to show me this, but he seemed very upset about this spot. "An old friend of mine. Everyone says she died..." I sat down next to the grave and Jack sat on the other side on a stoop. 

"How she dies." Jack must have really loved his friend. "Her old master, he um.. killed her, She died to save us." He couldn't look at me he just stared at the ground. "What do you believe?" He then looked at me confused. "How do you believe she died?" Jack got this oh look on his face before looking back down at the ground. "Ever since Jeff and your friend fell into the dreamscape. I think that maybe she's there." We sat in silence for hours just sitting there staring at her grave. We didn't move. It wasn't until it was dark and we heard people in the graveyard. "Well, Sally time to show you how to take care of people that come to close." 

Laughing Jacks P.O.V.---

I and Jane talked for a while until I designed to go talk to Slender-man. I approached the door and was about to knock on the door but paused. Something told me not to knock on his door: but I knock anyway. "Hey Slender hows it going been awhile huh? Well, I needed to talk to you so why don't you just open up and chat for a sec." No answer. I was about to go back to Jane's room when Slender's door opened partly. I casually went inside and closed the door behind me. "Laughing Jack what brings you here?" Did he always keep his room this dark? "Well, two reasons. Jeff and Y/n are fine. Two I'm looking for Jill."

 Jeff's P.O.V.--

It has been a long day, I and Y/n went outside and stared into nothingness. My wounds were healed at this point, however, Y/n just seemed to get worse. I'm glad she remembers things know, but sometimes she asks for certain people that haven't been here in years. I also don't know who she'd be talking about, so everyone would have to explain it to me and her who they are and why they left us or how they died in some war a year ago. The name I hear the most is someone named Zalgo. Apparently, he was a good guy, but it turned out he was just using them to get to someone or whatever. It was getting colder. Is that even possible? I mean now that I think about it if this is a dreamscape where all bad things go shouldn't there be a good side to this place? I don't believe so but it never hurts to ask. "Jeff you need warmer clothes. Sally and I should go find you some." I wanted to laugh why was she so worried about me? I'm fine on my own. "Jeff, you do know I can read mines right?" 

What?! Know she tells me. Great. "Well to answer your questions, yes there is a good side but we can't go there. I won't heal properly until I get my body back... As for Zalgo goes he's was a great student and friend but he wanted his own I guess you could call it 'gang', but he wasn't for say a good guy. I mean you, me, and all of them we're not good however we don't do anything to evil. On occasion we kill for a game, it lasts 24 hours then we don't kill for two days then, we all go back on schedule then life lives on." 

The story sounds familiar. "You know Jeff you're not a monster none of us are. We were made for this type of thing. At first, we kill for fun like everyone should die no one deserves to live. Then we see something we forgot so long ago that we miss that. Then we start to kill certain people. We also get a saying so to speak that we say before we kill, likes yours 'go to sleep'. I have one 'If you can't live, die.'" Damn, that was deep. My cheeks feel like they're burning. I had to look away from her. "Try to sleep I'll see if sally would mine if you tagged along tomorrow." She stood to leave and walked off slowly. When she reached the door I said. "Goodnight. Muffin"



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