Part 12 The Rescue

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April's POV

She didn't know how to react. The look of tiredness on Y/n's face. The large and bloody cut on her left cheek made April want to cry out to her. But she couldn't. The plan was for the boys and Bigfoot to distract, "the Finger" while she got Y/n out of harm's way.

Currently, the Finger was out fighting the turtles while Casey and Bigfoot tried to attack him. April was out in a tree, getting closer and closer to Y/n. It was quite obvious that there would be traps on the ground aroundY/n, but nothing seemed to be lurking above her.

When she reached Y/n, she saw how bad the cut really was. It was extremely bloody, and the cut was deep. It would probably leave a scar.

She immediately took a knife and released Y/n from her bounds, causing Y/n to start to fall over and collapse until she caught her. Leo must have noticed April struggling because he ran over. He helped Y/n up before lifting Y/n to April.

She then pulled Y/n up on the tree with the help of Leo. When Leo left, April then carried Y/n back to the farmhouse. Y/n tried her hardest to stay conscious and help April rather than being a dead weight but ended passing out halfway through...

Your POV


That was your first thought, as you felt yourself waking up. Your lungs were burning, the cuts on your legs stinging, your stomach screaming and your arms simply hated you. However what hurt most was the cut on your cheek. Demanding to be recognized.

The burning sensation almost made you touch it, but you couldn't move your left arm for some reason.

When you opened your eyes, you saw it was morning. The sun glowing from the window. As you started to sit up, you felt a sting on your side.

You partially lifted your shirt to see a bandage, stained red. Probably another cut from the Finger that you didn't notice before. You looked over your arms and your legs to see the same bandages, except your left arm, had a cast, probably why you couldn't move it before. Hopefully, it was just sprained not broken.  

You hovered over your cheek this time using your right hand to feel a cloth on the cut. You groaned, feeling how to sore your body was when you heard soft muttering.

When you looked up, you saw your boyfriend, sleeping on a chair, right next to your bedside. You instantly knew what had happened. The group saved you from the Finger, and Leo was worried sick so he stayed to check on you.... 

Only to fall asleep.

You smiled seeing how cute he was when he fell asleep.

You gently nudged him, caressing his cheek causing him to wake up.

"Y/n?" he gently muttered.

"Hey, Leo.."

"Y/n?" He said now more awake with more concern, and surprise to see you awake.

"Are you ok? How are you feeling? Does anything still hurt? Are you sore? Does anything seem infected?" He asked almost panicked, and rambling until you interrupted him.

"I'm feeling better, just sore and the cuts still sting, but other than that, I'm fine Leo."

"I should have gone with you.... This is my fault..." Leo said turning his head in shame, unable to look you in the eye.

You couldn't believe what you had just heard.

"This was not your fault Leo! I told you not to come, you were injured yourself, Remember! I wanted you to stay behind. And you couldn't have known that I was going to be kidnapped. You can't blame yourself. I won't let you take the blame."

At this, he looked up at you as if you were everything. You saw when you looked into his eyes the panic he probably felt when he found out you were taken.

You pulled on his arm, causing him to lean in. You then took your hand and caressed his cheek again.

"I know that you want to take the blame when things get bad...That it is a habit of yours, because your the Leader..... But Leo this really wasn't your fault. Okay?"

Leo then gave you a nod with a small smile.

You then pulled his face closer to yours, as you gave him a kiss.

At first, it was soft and simple before it turned into a passion. Leo showing you how much he missed you, how much he loved you into on kiss. How scared he was when you went missing. How desperate he was to get you back. How much he needed you. He placed one of his hands on your back, the other on your neck, pulling you closer. Making the kiss deeper.

When the two of you pulled away for a breath you both panted the same thing.

"I love you."

. . . . . . . . . .

Author's Note

Just wanted to give you guys a blushie Leo<3

Just wanted to give you guys a blushie Leo<3

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