"Young elf, you should not have died. It is not your time. So out of goodwill, we have decided to give you another chance at life. But this time, live fully and take risks. Trust people and don't turn to the darkness again. Keep a beacon in your life."

'Beacon' do they mean Legolas? I blushed at the slight thought of that.
Before they walked away, the person kissed me on my forehead and a blinding light escaped them. The light engulfed the dark and I watched as they faded into the light and as all the unusual aspects of my body disappeared and my old self returned. The one I recognised to have been me before I had learned to embrace the dark magic within me. It was like I had been purified, all that darkness was washed away and replaced with flows of pure light.

Then I felt myself staring up at the backs of my eye lids, people were arguing and the sun was hot against my skin. I could feel the remains of tears on my cheeks and in the cracks of my eyes. My back was aching, like I'd been lying on the floor for a while, or I had casted a really strong and energy draining spell.

I got bored of the strange splodges of red and black floating around my vision and opened my eyes. The sun light threatened my eyes causing me to wince and blink myself used to the light quickly. When I was used to it, I sat up and looked around. Feeling an exhausted yawn building up, I stretched my arms and yawned quickly before standing up and dusting myself down and smiling at the people around me.

"Hello!" I exclaimed, their faces were drowned in shock, exhaustion and confusion. I knocked my head to the side in confusion.

"Did something happen?" I asked, as soon as I took a step forward my vision was clouded again as the moments previously all replayed.

"Oh my- I really died didn't I?" I asked them, I could feel a burning anger rising as they all hesitated but nodded.

"but how're you alive?" Mirulan asked, his mouth basically hanging off his face.

"Someone gave me a second chance," I replied bluntly, looking up at the sky, "I wonder who.."

"I don't care," Legolas said quickly, grabbing my arm and pulling me into a tight hug. Afraid that he was going to loose me. I hugged him back but then tapped his back a couple times.
"cutting air circulation," I whispered. He quickly loosened the hug and hid his head in my hair (which must've been difficult because I was abnormally small for an elf).

We stood like that for a few moments before the two Lords grabbed me and pulled me into a quick group hug before lecturing me on self control and self sacrifice.

"Now what do you say?" Elrond asked me. I sighed.

"I am incredibly sorry and I will not do it again," I replied, my tone slow and insincere.

"Hm..alright," he mumbled before smiling, "welcome back."

We returned to the Rotml's streets. The king and Queen approached us, myself and Karla kept a distance as they both checked their children for wounds and pains. They came towards us and I just shook my head and walked away.

"trust people," those words echoed through my head again as I stood beside Gandalf. He squeezed my shoulder in a comforting way before tapping his staff on the ground.

"i must be going," he starts, his voice gathering everyone's attention, "there are a few little trouble makers waiting for me in a certain little field."

"stay safe gandalf," I smile to him, he nods and then blows a high whistle, the sound of hooves clattering against the stone floors followed soon after. A horse appeared and then gandalf left quickly on its back.

Then it was silent, a bit awkward for my liking.

"so... " I mumbled, swinging on my heels, "that was.. Uh.. One hell of a battle, huh?"

The Girl With No Home (Legolas x reader)Where stories live. Discover now