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Y/n's PoV

Since the run in with the dwarves we've all been silent. They haven't been attempting to talk to me and Legolas has just slept through the whole thing. I honestly wish I could sleep like he could, he may be a warrior but it doesn't stop him from being a champion sleeper.

I grabbed his horses reins and directed us both down the zig-zagging road towards Rivendell.

"Hey wake up, we're here," I say shaking his shoulder gently. After realising he wasn't going to wake up I just pushed his shoulder hard enough to knock him off his horse, as soon as he landed on the ground he jolted awake, bow out ready to attack the reason he fell off.

"Elrond!" I exclaimed as I jumped off my horse and sprinted up the marble steps to him where he was stood with a stunned expression. When it registered who I was he stretched his arms out and hugged me when I got close enough.

"Welcome na nin bar, meld mellon. Ha has been limb ennin, cin thi- eithel (welcome to my home, dear friend. It has been a long time, you seem well)," he greeted me once we had separated. I did the traditional elvish bow.

"Thank you, it has been too long," I reply watching a smile grow on his face.

"It has been extremely painful while trying to find you," he says shaking his head, like he was trying to shake the memories out of his head again.

"Ah, I apologise for that," I say giving him an apologetic look, "I've always been a difficult elf to control." we laugh.

"Yes I remember," he says laughing and recalling some memories, "follow me, all of you. Don't worry your horses will be tended to."

I nod to him and start to follow him when he started walking away, during our journey to the main building I was talking to Elrond about Thranduil and everything that'd happened to me during my time away from everyone, both times.

"I prefer you hair purple," he says as I got to the part where my appearance was being changed by the darkness around me.

"I do to, if I'm to be completely honest," I agree as we walk into the building. In front of me was Gandalf and w/n sat comfortably on the floor next to him.

"Gandalf, we have guests," Lord Elrond announces our presence, Gandalf turns around, a pipe in his mouth, and smiles through his beard.

"I was wondering when you'd arrive," he says mysteriously. W/n's head bounced up and scanned the room, when he noticed me he quickly jumped up and ran over to me.

"Whoa, you've grown a lot," I say to him as I crouch down and stroke his head.

"y/n, this is Arwen, she's my daughter, you may remember me talking about her," he introduces me to the girl stood beside him. She looked like an angel, it made me slightly conscious of myself.

"I remember a couple things," I say as I bowed to her and she did in return.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet the elf my father helped raise in secret," she replied smiling brightly at me. Damn, she's perfect. Why is she perfect? I stared a moment before turning my attention away from her.

"Mirulan. I thought you were going back to Rotml," Elrond focused his attention to my siblings as he'd just realised they were here.

"We were, but...." he started before trailing off.

"We've come to the conclusion that no one remembers how to get there from the closest mountain, so we were hoping you'd help us," Laron finished Mirulan's sentence before bowing apologetically.

"No need to bow, I will have a map created, we don't know the precise location but we will be able to pin point a few areas where it may be. Rotml wasn't known as the hidden kingdom for no reason," Elrond mumbled the last bit before walking out the room to start on the map.

It was silent for a bit before I walked over to Gandalf and sat on the empty seat next to him, w/n jumping on my lap as soon as I sat down.

"You haven't aged a day," I say to him as he takes one last puff on his pipe and then puts it down.

"I don't have time to age when a troublesome elf goes missing frequently," he says laughing a bit.

"I guess, I mean, I have a lot of enemies now," I laugh lightly.

"A lot of enemies, do you mean you caused a problem in you captivity?" Samuli asked.

"If you must know, I did. Multiple times. It's not easy to do anything when you have to defend not only yourself but a young family as well," I reply to his question in frustration.

Mirulan walked over to me, I frowned in confusion as he kept walking until he was beside my seat, he grabbed my arm and started examining in.

"Hey! Get off me," I snap at him as I yank it away from him, "don't touch me."

"I barely recovered with my life when I was there," he snaps back, "I'm just making sure you weren't injured like I was."

"Why don't you just go off with Haldir and get out of my hair," I glared at him, his expression not changing from blank any time soon.

"You can be as hostile as you want to me, it's not going to change the fact that you're my sister no matter what," he replies before walking to the other side of the table and sitting down. The rest of the group also sit down.

"Gandalf, I have a question about the white wizard," I turn my attention towards him.

"What is it, girl?" He asks me, now he was very interested and impatient.

"Well, you said he was a nice man to all that greet him, no?" I ask, Gandalf nodded, "is it possible he could become corrupt or something?"

"Hmm, I should think not, considering he's the strongest of us all," Gandalf replied as he thought deeply.

"He tried to have me killed. He leading the Uruk-Hai's and orcs and everything else," I reply anger cursing through my veins as memories of me almost being hung replayed in my head.

"Don't be so stupid! He would never do that!" Gandalf exclaimed standing up in disbelief.

"I saw it with my own two eyes, Gandalf. I felt the rope around my neck and I definitely felt the floor beneath me open up and I had to cast a spell for me to survive. They weren't planning on letting me free but I fought through them with my fists because they weren't prepared to let me free!" I exclaimed, also standing up and looking directly into Gandalf's eyes.

"That's ridiculous," he snaps.

"A man in white robes, with white hair and a lengthy white beard. He's quite pale and his voice is very commanding. His staff is also white and he doesn't wear a hat like you or Radagast," I described his appearance to Gandalf, I watched as horror filled his eyes for a split second before they quickly went back to normal.

"Don't be so naïve, girl! You were hallucinating!" He yells at me.

"I was no-" I started before he interrupted me.

"That's enough!" He yells, he stretched his voice so that it would fill the whole room, w/n who had jumped into my seat, whimpered and I was stood glaring at Gandalf as Elrond re entered the room.

"I cannot believe this!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms up into the air before walking out the room the way Elrond had just entered.

"What happened here?" He asked curiously.

"They got into an argument over something that she saw and he doesn't believe," I heard Legolas' voice start to fade away before it started to get louder as he followed me.

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