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The bushes rattles got even more violent as they continued to go until black figures on black horses appeared out of the overgrown area. Legolas looked at them confused, but I was ready to fight them. Nothing draped in black is a good thing.

"Who are you?" I yelled at them, all their heads snapped to mine in simultaneous action, I couldn't help but swallow my small amount of fear before standing up taller and looking square into the face of the one in front of me.

"The ring," one whispered almost inaudibly. I frowned.

"Ring? What ring?"

"You have it!" another figure screamed, my sensitive hearing caused me to cup my hands over my ears to try muffle out the sound but to much avail it failed and everything was still really loud.

"No we don't!" Legolas yelled, also holding his ears, "we don't know of this ring!" He walked in font of me as one moved closer. Just as it rose it's blade I got an idea.

"Is it the ring of the dark king? The one was forged by Sauron himself at Mount Doom?" I asked, all their heads snapped to me. It was? That was a complete guess... "You will find it in a cavern with quite the interesting creature holding onto it."

They all started whispering amongst themselves before they lunged at me. Blades ready to find a home in my skin, I was ready for the pain.

I squeezed my eyes shut and braced myself but I didn't feel anything until I opened my eyes to see a shadow casting over me, my eyes widened as I put my arms around the object in my way. 

"Legolas! No! Stay awake, please.." my voice changed from a yell to a whisper as I laid him to the ground and watch the black phantoms disappear. I watched as life quickly started draining out of him. Pulling all the knives out of him I realised that they were laced with darkness and bad origins for anyone weak to the dark magic. 

"Such a fast spreading, it won't be easy to contain," tears were starting to threaten to fall until i felt his hand grab my wrist. He gave me a weak smile.

"Keep... fighting... please..." 

"No! Not alone, you're coming with me!" I almost yelled as a tear slowly crawled down my face, "you can't leave me now."

"Child you are filled with darkness, if you wish to swap any light that is in you with darkness you must physically transfer it through a bond you both  have." ?????'s voice echoed.

I looked at him. Struggling. Dying. Helpless, never before had he been helpless and vulnerable before. 

"I fuin i resides within hi edhel plural edhil, please exchange with i galad within nin emel an ho deserves cuil ú- gurth in which mín thand. (The darkness that resides within this elf, please exchange with the light within my heart for he deserves life not death in which we part)." I chanted as a glowing dark purple light popped around me I leant down and kissed him. I felt the darkness within me grow while light left my body, Legolas fell asleep as life flooded through him again.

I was changing the more I risked my light for the dark. No matter where I went the shadows followed if it's not within me, it's within the area around me....

The Girl With No Home (Legolas x reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum