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We travelled along dangerous trails and cliff sides, barely being able to get the horses through them. It was quite the challenge but we managed to get to the mountains that were marked on the map (that Elrond had given Mirulan) within five days.

"I'm ok with just staying out in these hills for the rest of my life," Vanes said as she looked around the beautiful scenery. I had to agree, there was a great view from where we had decided to lay down camp for a couple days.

We were on the edge of a cliff type hangover that looked over a large lake formed by a large and exquisite waterfall. The water shimmered and sparkled in the light, mini rainbows were being formed around us too from the water that would spray up into the sky near the top of the falling tide.

The grass was lush green and the trees stretched so high. There were mountains surrounding us, they had tops of white and bodies of greens, browns and greys.

Flowers were dotted around except they would become more dominant on the lakes edge, the grass wasn't even visible below the crazy amount of different flowers that were down there. I just wanted to jump into the lake.

"I see why someone would want a kingdom here. It's beautiful!" Samuli says as he hangs his feet off the edge of the hangover. I picked up a rock while I silently agreed with him.

Once I was sure the rock was big enough I threw it over the edge and tested the height and depth of the lake. It landed in the water but seemed to keep sinking, that satisfied me, I walked back a bit before running forward and did a flip off the cliffs edge landing fingers first, head following and feet last into the lake. W/n followed after me, he landed awkwardly. I laughed.

"What're you doing? Are you trying to die?" Mirulan asked me, yelling down as he looked over the cliffs edge. I couldn't feel the bottom of the lake so I swam closer to the edge where it finally did gain a base.

"I tested it, come down. I swear it's nicer than it looks," I smile up, that's all that Legolas needed and he ran and jumped off the cliff just as I had. The water was warm, not too cold and not too hot. It was perfect to just relax in. W/n had jumped out and lied on the flowery bed beside where I was sitting.

"I hope you have a spare set of clothes!" Karla yelled before jumping in, Samuli followed, then Laron and Vanes, just leaving Mirulan and Castiel.

Castiel grabbed his brother by the ears and pushed him over the side of the cliff, Mirulan landed in a very ungraceful motion as Castiel placed all the things back on the horses and sent them down a slope to where we were, he then jumped down and landed with barely any splash.

A few hours later we were all wrapped up in blankets around a fire while our clothes dried up. My clothes finished drying first so I decided to scout out the area while everyone else kept drying off. I had to tie my hair up though because with it being so long it took forever to dry.

"Yell if you find any issues," Legolas orders me, I just stick my tongue out in a childish fashion before walking into the forest. It was just a normal forest, random mushrooms littered around the place, birds flying through the trees, that's what I thought but I found a clearing when the night had just rolled in.

In the clearing was just a large patch of grass that stretched out for miles, when the moonlight hit the grass suddenly blue, glowing plants sprouted out of the ground. The whole area seemed to just brighten up beneath the moonlights gaze.

Not long after fireflies started to venture into the grassy area, they were like dancing yellow lights that complimented the light blue glow that seemed to show the beauty of nature to me once again.

Legolas' PoV

The night rolled in quickly and y/n hadn't come back so I decided to go look for her. It wasn't hard to find her trail so I followed it until I saw a clearing, she was stood in the centre.

Surrounded by blue glowing plants that seemed to sparkle in the moonlight and fireflies danced around her. The light breeze seemed to pick up her hair and clothes lightly as they swayed gently in the breeze.

I admired the magical view from the tree line as a deer walks out of the opposite forest lining. It cautiously approached her as she put her hand out for it, when it realised she was no threat it nuzzled it's nose into her hand.

Many more deer emerged out of the forest until there was about five or six of them around her. The way she easily tamed them just proved at how in sync with nature that she was. It was a truly beautiful sight.

I decided to return to the camp knowing she was safe, a smile stuck to my face.

"Could you not find her?" Castiel asked me as he passed me some bread.

"She's ok, don't worry," I say to him as I took the bread and sat back down.

Your PoV

I stayed in the clearing for a few moments after the deer had joined me before deciding that I should head back. I say goodbye to them and then start making my way back to camp, I sensed someone else around me.

"Who's there?" I ask hostilely as I pulled my duo blades out of their holder. An elf walks out from behind a large tree. He was wearing a uniform that was a light blue with silver buttons. Obviously made for blending in with the evening scenery.

"Who are you?" He asked me, he had a fancy accent.

"I'd like to ask the same question. But since you asked me first I'll tell you, I'm just a mere traveller passing through with my comrades," I reply not letting my defensive stance waver for even a second as more elves in similar attire emerged from all around me, "now. Who are you?"

"I am Conrad, head warrior of the Kingdom Rotml," he introduced himself, his fancy tone made it seem like a really dramatic and great introduction. Wait, did he say Rotml?

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