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The night fell and I jumped down from my hiding spot in the support beams, looking down on the sleeping travellers. Two elves and one young wizard. An interesting group of travellers might I say.

I briskly, silently and carefully walked outside and gave each of their horses a carrot. They all whinned at me, happy to have something to eat, I laghed slightly before silencing myself and walking back inside. In the kitchen I started making food, I made two pies and some bread, something elf friendly and then put them out on the dinner table that was near them and returned to my perch.


"Elrond, Thranduil!" the young wizard woke the two elves (and me, so loud) who instinctively pulled out a dagger each, expecting some kind of danger, but once they'd noticed there wasn't anything to fear, they placed their daggers back in their place and walked over to their companion.

"Gandalf what is it?" the elf on the right, Thranduil asked a bit annoyed.

"One, look it's snowing! And two, there is food laid out over there," the wizard, Gandalf, responded in the same tone just given to him. Elrond just allowed a small laugh to escape.

"Well there's a note meaning this is a friendly home, let's either read it or just eat," he shrugged while picking up the note I had written out:

"Travelling Elves and Wizard,

welcome to my home, I hope you will take my gifts of peace and leave soon. This is property to the girl with no home. Thank you for staying and goodbye.

~Your host"

"Well if it's an act of peace, I think we can eat it. We need our energy for the next few days anyway," the wizard stated. The two elves agreed as they all sat around the table. I snuck out of the house and walked over to the horses, I gave them each another carrot. The travellers came out of the house just as I walked around the corner of the house. When they left I walked into the open and grabbed a bucket of water then walked back inside. There was a letter on the table.

"Thank you mysterious girl. We hope to meet our host soon.

~Lord Elrond, Lord Thranduil and Gandalf the Grey"

When I finished reading it, I heard the floor boards creak behind me, I swiftly turned around and flipped the table on its side. I hide behind it.

"Young elf. Is it you who lives here?" one of the voices ask.

"Who's asking?" I spoke up.

Jeez. Why have I been found now?! I was doing so well! Didn't they ride away?!

"Lord Elrond of Riverdell, Lord Thranduil of Mirkwood and Gandalf the Grey of the five wizards," someone replied.

"And what is your business? I have given you hospitality now gather it by leaving, please," my voice slowly and gradually turned into a whisper.

"What is your name and where are you from? Your accent is different," someone called out. They weren't wrong, my accent was from the northern lands so it had a bit of a tongue roll on some letters.

"I am y/n, I am on of the 7 children of King Lasnir and Queen Halamshire. I am the 3rd daughter also twin to the fourth. I am from Rotml, the great elvish kingdom of the north, well the once great kingdom, I am sure it's just ruins now," I replied strongly before letting out a small sigh, remembering my home and the people who abandoned me.

"Come out from behind the table. We won't hurt you," a harsh voice ordered. I pulled the table back into it's original position and stood facing them.

"Where's your family?" Gandalf asked.

"I don't know of their ware-abouts. My mother and father is probably dead, as for my twin, she was kidnapped during the heat of the battle, my siblings went to find her. I've been waiting for their return for the past 100 years," I replied looking to the floor sadly, "now please... leave me be."

"Do you know how to fight? How to defend yourself?" Lord Elrond asked, I shook my head, "Then I refuse to leave!" he turned to his fellow elf, who sighed in return.

"Every three months I will come back to spend a month with you and teach you how to fight," Lord Thranduil said.

"I will come back every two months, the month before Thranduil and stay here for a month to teach you the elvish traits and stuff that will help you survive," Lord Elrond said after, both elves looked towards the thinking wizard.

"I shall come the month before Elrond and the month after Thranduil. I will teach you magic, about the orcs and urak-hai. And anything that'll keep you alive," he said after thinking for a while.

"But why? I'm no one, and anyway, this is neutral land so nothing bad happens here..." I asked confused.

"Don't be so naïve, girl! Where peace is, war will soon come," Gandalf exclaimed, I took a step back from his sudden outburst. He looks so young but his words are so aged. Why is he so wise?

"Sorry. Just don't think such things. Now we must ride, I will see you in a month," he walked out closely followed by the two elves who bowed before leaving.

When they left I walked out of my home into the woods and to the smithery. I started forging some now weapons that I might use in the future...

The Girl With No Home (Legolas x reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum