That meant hell.

He felt Aaina shake by his side.


"As far as we know, a few men of the security team were involved with him and they're helping him out as well. Thankfully, Mr Ziagil and Ahad Sahab are both out of the house premises." He informed, entering the room quickly and closing the door behind him.

The CIS dragged their couch and put it in front of the door, after shutting the windows, he glanced at the couple, feeling them still standing in the same place as before.

He opened the bathroom door, and then the door behind it, the one that was especially made for emergency situations.

He opened the door and looked at the Prime Minister.

"The Intel is working to know who is behind this but for now, your safety is our main concern."

Zaydaan held Aaina's hand in a firm grip, understanding that they had to get out as early as possible.

"We have to get you both out and then make sure to protect your mother, so please cooperate with me and let me guide you."

Zaydaan nodded, dragging his wife who still seemed too shaken up by the entire incident. She looked at her husband as he pulled on her hand.

Aaina panicked as she stated at him.

"Zaydaan! Mama, I mean, mama, we should, we have to help her!" She exclaimed.

He didn't respond as he just dragged her along towards the door.

"Zaydaan!" She took his name again.

He knew what Aaina wanted to say, he knew that she wanted him to actually go and help his mother but life wasn't what they showed in the books.

Reality was different than fantasy.

"Aaina. Stop panicking and look at me." He softly said, she gulped looking at him.

"This isn't a movie, these men are trained by the military forces. They are the best ones we have, so we have to do whatever they say." He told her.

There was so much indifference, so much hurt, so much grief, so much to be said and so much that had already been said, there were words left to say and words that had been engraved in both their hearts, there was so much to be forgiven for but at a time like this, they didn't care what had happened between them.

They just wanted to be safe, they wanted peace and tranquil.

She nodded at her husband's words and tightened her grip on his hands.

"Come on, now." He ushered.

Both of them entered the emergency door, entering a long passage, it was dimly lit but she could spot the stairs.

As they reached the stairs, Zaydaan turned around to watch his CIS.

"Save my mother. You took an oath, remember?"

He reminded, He didn't need to be reminded though.

"I do, sir. Please come with me now."

His chief of security replied, walking in front of the couple as he guided them towards the stairs.

Instead of walking down the stairs, he opened another door just beside the staircase, that led to another passage.

There were secret emergency pathways for such situations but with each step, the panic inside of the couple rose.

His mother, his mother was in more danger than him. He recited all the ayats he knew in his mind, praying to his God that his mother would be safe, that Aaina and his mother and his family would not bare any harm.

Sadqay Tumhare Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora