"No, not untill Ahad arrives."

And then, he leaned against his chair once again. He was going to wait another hour and if Ahad Ziagil didn't arrive, Zaydaan was going to remove him. He had made up his mind.

Ahad arrived twenty minutes post their waiting session. In a casual track suit and a pretty big smile on his face, Zaydaan didn't have to guess much about where he had been.

He smiled at everyone, including his brother, Zaydaan simply sat there, if this was his home, he would have exploded right there and then but this was a cabinet meeting. He did not want to insult his brother or hurt his pride.

Had he not been taking his job seriously? He was not failing at it but he was also not excelling at it.

"Hey everyone, I'm sorry for being late, I was a little busy." Ahad greeted everyone, getting responses of salaams and how are you's.

He looked at his brother for reassurance, giving him a confident nod.

"What is more important than attending a cabinet session?" Zaydaan asked him back, leaning up against the chair.

"I was just caught up in something." He tried to excuse himself.

The Prime Minister waved him off.


Ahad sat.

"You should know that I'll be reviewing your hundred days report first. I hope you're prepared, Ahad."

He remarked casually, not trying to make it sound like he was being too strict with his brother but only Ahad knew that he was walking on egg shells.

"I am."

He replied confidently, even though he had just been informed that his latest plan for the railway House had been abolished due to lack of resources and money.

The Prime Minister reviewed a few files, overlooking at each and every single one.

He peeked across the few reports that his ministers had presented him with, he looked over the mini budget, feeling satisfied at how it was coming across so far.

He nodded in contentment, slight contentment and then looked up at the twenty five ministers.

"Good. I'll be attending the parliament session tomorrow, apparently the opposition has planned a walk out. I want to be there to see their drama."

He announced, clicking his pen and writing something down on his notepad.

"I have checked a few of your requests, I know you're waiting for me to approve of them but I can't until I'm sure they're good in the long run."

He said again, Zaydaan stood up from his seat, the others wanted to stand up too but he shook his head as he took a few steps, looking over each and everyone.

"As you know, my wife got attacked a few days ago and it can happen to anyone here, so make sure to keep your security with you at all times."

"I also want you all to visit your constituencies once a month atleast. Listen to the people that are the reason you're here today." He advised.

They nodded.

"Dont take your success for granted and don't take those people for granted either. If I hear a single case where you have treated the public with some superiority crap, you'll be the first to get fired."

He warned.

They knew the session was about to end, since it was always during the last part of the sessions that the Prime Minister would warn them about something with the underlying threat of them getting fired or suspended.

Sadqay Tumhare Where stories live. Discover now