mike leaves amelia :( #sad

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it was the day of labor and amelia was in severe pain but in even more pain when mike approched her when she had just popped out her 6th baby. 

"hey dude, so like, i cant like take care of these kidz man, like i have a drem u know. i wanna become lik a dad but not to like 17 kids so like see yah fam <3" then mike left leaving amelia speechless. amelia was like crying half because mike just left her and because she was popping out 2 baby mutant turtles at like one time. it was pretty wild. 

when the doctor came in with all the babies that had come out, the last of the 17 was popping out. 

"so like, u probs wanna put some of these kids up for like adoption or somethin," the doctor said in worry. amelia was like so chill and so numb by the emotional pain mike left behind. "put all of em up for adoption but like one because like i need someone to love cause i got no one. I got nothing and nO one." the doctor came into amelia's face and said in a right in her face.

"hi." music starts playing out of no where when the doctor said that.. it was magical until she realised he was making a tiktok and she started crying. when the doctor finished he placed the one baby that she was keeping cause she wasn't cruel, u kno?

"imma name u charlie fam," amelia said. the girl like grew three sizes and amelia was like, 'holy shit girl, calm down.'

and in the next few months amelia cared for her baby mutant turtle girl and it was a pretty lit time.

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