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September 1

[ Molly POV ]

[ Molly POV ]

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"Happy birthday to you." We sing as we walk into Jungkook's room, a cake in my hand and party hats on our heads. "Happy birthday our loved Jungkook."

Jungkook looks up from the computer screen on his lap, his usual bunny smile on his lips. "Happy birthday to you." We finish, gathering around his bed.

He closes his eyes before blowing the candles and laughs. "Thank you." He takes his index finger, poking the frosting at the top of the cake and sticking his finger in his mouth to suck the frosting off. He moans in delight, flashing us a smile.


Walking between Taehyung and Jungkook, I admired at beautiful architecture of London's buildings. Unlike LA's streets which were full of color from graffiti paintings or murals, the streets of London followed the same grey aesthetic. And, the typical red telephone booth that brought color to the streets.

Despite the lack of color, London was beautiful as the sun glossed over the buildings, giving the building a hint of gold in its color.

"Let's meet back at the hotel for dinner." Namjoon, who walked behind us with Joy, said.

"Alright." We nodded in agreement before dismissing the couple as they ventured London on their own.

"Where to now?" I asked.

"I want to go to the museum." Tae's eyes lit up. "Can we go?"

The three of us walked to the museum, listening to Tae's appreciation for the artwork and his excitement of seeing the work in person. His love for art was so beautiful and genuine. You could see it in the way his eyes lit up and his beautiful choice words as he described the paintings.

Taehyung is so beautiful.

I appreciate the way he found meaning in the artist's work and the way he found life in art. His love for art showed how passionate he was about the world around him and the feelings of others. The way he described colors, objects, and settings in art was so magical. It explains how he started the 'I purple you' phenomenon.

We walked through the gallery walls; Jungkook and I listened to Tae as he explained to us the stories behind the painting. Jungkook and I both shared the same smile as we watched our friend in awe.

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