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The Order and Harry's close friends sat around him, waiting for him to wake up. The same thought was going through everyone's head. How could one boy be so unlucky? What were they going to do now? Would he heal, and if so, when?

Sirius stood up and started to pace. The stress in his face was clear and you could tell he was tired by the dark circles under his eyes. Remus gently put his hand on Sirius' shoulder.

"Things will be okay," Remus claimed.

"How do you know Moony? He's just a boy. He shouldn't have to deal with any of this," Sobbed Sirius. 

"I know. It's not fair, but if anyone can get through this, it's Harry." Stated Remus. Sirius nodded in agreement and sat back down.

Everyone sat around for a little while longer, but then it got late. They started leaving for the night except for Sirius, Remus, Ron, and Hermionie. They all got comfortable, getting ready to sleep for the night, but froze when they saw Harry's eyes flutter open.

"Harry!" Exclaimed Hermionie.

"Hey," Said Harry. Harry coughed and looked around. 

"How can I get better?" Harry questioned. Sirius explained what he had gone over with Madam Pomfrey.

"Does that sound good to you pup?" Asked Sirius.

"Whatever helps." Came the reply. Sirius and Remus stood up to go tell Madame Pomfrey to start the treatment, leaving the trio to talk. Harry looked down.

"I'm sorry." Harry stated. Ron and Hermionie looked at each other, confused.

"Sorry? For what, mate? You did nothing wrong," Ron said. Harry shook his head and looked deep in thought.

"I shouldn't have run from the Dursley's. I was a bloody coward. All I did was cause more problems. I mean, I almost died. I did die! If I hadn't have had Malfoy, I would have died a hell of a lot sooner. I am so fucking stupid. Maybe it would be better if I did die again. I'm not a damned savior. I'm nothing. I'm too cowardly. Maybe I should have been sorted into Slytherin. Or maybe I should just let the shitty cancer kill me, you know? I don't need treatment. I'll just die. Dumbledore will figure out a way to defeat Voldemort. It will all be okay." Harry ended his soliloquy and slammed his head into the wall in frustration, making his friends jump. Hermionie had tears rapidly falling down her cheeks and Ron was looking at Harry with much despair in his eyes.

"H-Harry," cried Hermionie, "You can't leave us. We won't let you. You are strong. Something like cancer will not kill you. And for Merlin's sake you are not a coward. You are one of the most brave people I have ever met. First year, you fought Voldemort alone. Second year, you killed a damn basilisk. Third year, you saved Sirius and Buckbeak. Forth year, you fought a dragon, wanted to help me, Ron, and Gabrielle, and then you dueled the Dark Lord. You are not a coward, you wouldn't have been able to do all of that if you were stupid, and quite frankly, you're the most qualified out of anyone else to fight Voldemort. So if you, Harry James Potter, want to give up so damn easy and die, you will have some very angry and very sad friends." Hermionie huffed. Ron nodded in agreement while Harry sat there shocked. Hermionie had made a good point.

"I'm still sorry, but I'll try to get better." Harry answered, defeated. Hermionie smiled, victorious.

"Great! Now if we're done being dramatic.. Harry what were you saying about Malfoy helping you?" Ron asked.

Harry thought back to when Malfoy had brought him food. The slim, sexy--Er no. Not sexy. The tall, gorgeous blonde standing in the jail doorway.. What was Harry thinking? He felt his cheeks flush. He had had a crush on his nemesis since second year, but never admitted it because he couldn't let anyone know he was bi-sexual. Hermionie raised an eyebrow that Harry chose to ignore.

"Erm when I was uh.. In the jail, about to die.. Malfoy brought me food. Without it, I would have been long gone. He put himself at risk to help me." Harry ended a bit dreamily. Ron looked at him weirdly. He opened his mouth to say something, but was stopped when the adults came back into the room.

"Harry, I think it's best if we do some testing and experiments as soon as possible, so we can heal you. Would you be okay with starting now?" Asked Madam Pomfrey. Harry nodded in agreement, so Madam Pomfrey shooed everyone out of the room.

"I need some peace and quiet to work and focus." Stated Pomfrey. Harry smiled in understanding and watched as Madam Pomfrey pulled out her wand.

"Some of these spells may feel weird or tingle, but they should never hurt. Let me know if they do. The tests I am doing today will take a few hours and afterwards you may be a bit drowsy, but you will be fine. Try to relax." Pomfrey comforted. Harry tried to relax as much as he could as he closed his eyes awaiting the tests to start.

Hey Guys! I hope you enjoyed part ten of The Heir of Danger. Sorry for such a long wait, I've been busy. If you have any advice or positive feedback on this story please let me know in the comments. I appreciate you taking the time to read this, and I want to make sure that it is an enjoyable experience. I hope everyone has a great day!

PSA: I am still in need of an editor for this story. Private message me for details.


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