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Sirius Black's POV

I waited impatiently, for what seemed like hours, for the tests to be done. Madam Pomfrey said she was almost done. She soon grabbed another dreamless sleep potion and gave it to Harry.

"I've finished the tests but I don't want him to wake up to the horrible news," she said in a sorrowful voice. 

"What news?" I asked panicked. 

"Well... Harry has cancer." Claimed Madam Pomfrey. 

"The muggle disease?" I asked, confused. 

"Yes, but it is stage four lung cancer." She responded, sadly. I was extremely puzzled. We were magical. There were millions of potions that could help. At least, that's what I thought. 

"Why do you seem so upset? Aren't there tons of cures to help?" I questioned. 

"Well here's the thing... Harry has been tortured and abused by his family and Voldemort so much and so badly that I believe that it somehow gave him cancer. No wizard has ever had cancer before. So, there's never been a cure made. At least, in the wizarding world. Now, we have a few options. Option one, would be for me to do the best cure with potions I can come up with. Option two, would be for me to do different experiments to try and find out what would help. Option three, would be to try the muggle cure, but I'm not sure how well that would cope with his magic. It's up to you, Sirius." Madam Pomfrey explained. I sat there and thought for a minute. I wanted what was best for Harry. 

"Well, what if we combine the three things. What if we first do some experiments to see if any of those things help. Then what if you try to come up with a cure. Then, if all of that fails, we can try the muggle cure." I reasoned. Pomfrey nodded in agreement. 

"We need to wait for Harry to wake up so we can break the news to him and then see if he agrees with the plan." Said Madam Pomfrey. 

"Okay." I replied.

We sat there for a bit, awaiting Harry to awake. Pomfrey eventually left to go tell Dumbledore the news. After about two hours, Harry started to stir. He slowly started opening his eyes. He sat up groggily and rubbed his eyes. For a second, he looked kind of surprised.

"Where am I?" He asked with kind of a hoarse voice." 

"The Hogwarts Hospital Wing" I said. 

"What why? Oh wait... Oh. You figured out I wasn't doing well?" He asked. 

"Yeah, Harry. You see... Well... I have to tell you some bad news." I said solemnly. 

"What?" He questioned now seeming a bit panicked. 

"You have have l-lung c-cancer..." I stuttered out. 

"What! How? No! The muggle disease!? No way that's not possible. You have to be kidding." Harry stated in denial. He didn't believe me. Breaking the news to Harry would be harder than I thought. 

"No Harry," I said with tears forming in my eyes, "I'm not lying to you about this. I'm sorry. But we are doing everything we can to help you." I could see the fear in Harry's eyes. He didn't deserve any of this. He's a good person.

      I watched as he fell back asleep and silently cursed at myself for not giving him the options to help him heal. I sat there for the rest of the day wondering how he could get out of this situation this time...

Hi everyone! It's been a while and I'm really sorry for that. Summer was really busy and I just started high school so there hasn't been much time for writing. Anyways, as I was rereading this story I realized how cheesy and bad it is so I am planning on editing it. I'm also writing a new story that will be published soonish. So with all of that, the next chapter of this won't be published for another month and I apologize. After I edit this whole thing, I'm planning on just having a writing day and writing a lot of chapters so I can have a normal uploading schedule. Thank you so much for reading The Heir of Danger! Please leave comments on what I should improve or if you have any questions. Have a great day!
-Unicorn 💖

Edit/Update: So, I finally finished editing.. Finally. I don't know when the next chapter will be up, but it should be sometime soon. Thanks for sticking to the story and I will see y'all soon. Bye!

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