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Harry's POV
My body tensed as Voldemort returned. He didn't say anything, except for shouting the cruciatus curse. Again, it felt like hot needles were stabbing me. It was terrible. I started screaming and my vision became blurry. 

Soon, someone else appeared. They shouted what sounded like a spell and I suddenly felt like I was being whipped. With all of the pain streaming through my body, I passed out.


"Boy! If you don't come out this instant, you will be tortured to the point of death!" Uncle Vernon yelled. 

Harry slowly got out of his bed and opened the door. As soon as Uncle Vernon saw him, he grabbed Harry by the ear and pulled him to the bathroom. Then, he shoved Harry to the floor and commanded he stay there. Vernon then went to go find his three main abusive weapons: A whip, a belt, and a knife. He went back to the bathroom with an evil grin on his face.

"Which weapon would you like me to start off with, Harry?" Vernon inquired. 

"The belt," Harry whispered in fear. 

He could tell that this would be the worst beating yet. Vernon grabbed the belt and started to whack Harry with it. Harry screamed in misery. Vernon continued to hit Harry for what seemed like an hour until he decided to move on to the whip. With each hit of the whip, Harry's wounds kept getting deeper and deeper. Finally, Vernon moved on the the knife only stabbing Harry a few times before leaving him to bleed on the floor.                             

 - End of Dream -

Harry woke up with a start in a pool of his own blood. He realized Voldemort must have hurt him more after he passed out. Harry thought back to his dream. That had happened when he was three years old. The abuse started when he was about two. After that one time, things had only become worse from there. 

Even though the Dursley's abuse had been bad, Voldemort's had been much worse. Harry knew he had to escape, but he could barely move because he was in so much pain.
Harry stayed on the floor, barely moving all day. At times Voldemort would come and either torture him or break a bone, one at a time. Harry was miserable. He had been there for about a week without anything to eat or drink. He felt like he was about to die. To make matters even worse, his chest constantly hurt, he started to cough up blood, and he was having trouble breathing. He started to lose hope. He began to cry for the twentieth time that day and then he drifted off to sleep. 

A few hours later, Snape walked in. He saw Harry's condition and felt heart broken. He knew he had to keep Voldemort's trust, so he pulled out his wand and whispered, "Crucio." Harry woke up from his sleep screaming in pain. He looked up to see who had cursed him and saw Snape. Harry then cried, "Help me..." Snape looked at Harry with pain in his eyes. Snape gulped and closed his eyes as he said, "Sectumsempra". Harry started to bleed profusely. Snape left Harry on the floor, with tears in his eyes, and practically sprinted out of the room.

A/N: Hello! I hope you are liking my story so far. I know it's not the best but I am trying. But I have a question for my readers. Who should save Harry? I think the time has come for Harry to be saved but who should save him? Don't worry though after he gets saved there is much more to come! Also I am so sorry for not posting this chapter last night. Some things came up and I didn't have time. I will have the next chapter up by the end of tomorrow but after that I may only be able to post on weekends. I have a lot going on during the week and I am about to switch schools so I have to get ready for that! Anyway, thanks for reading and I'll talk to you guys soon! Bye!
-Unicorn 💖

Edit/Update: This chapter has many grammatical errors, so please comment if you know how to fix them. I only have a few more chapters to edit and then I will post a new one. Thanks for sticking to this story! Bye!

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