Chapter 15

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Ok, so this is a retelling of chapter fourteen but from a different POV.

I will try to get out at least two or three more chapters out before I start school, as I may not have much time the first couple weeks of school.


The girl from District 4, Poplar Stingray lurched towards Elodie; raising her bow.

"Bye bye District Eleven" she whispered, pulling back an arrow.

Elodie closed her eyes, trying to ignore the pain to come. When it didn't, she opened her eyes cautiously. Damon was wrestling with the golden eyed girl, rolling across the ground. Then she took an arrow and stabbed him, right in the heart. She had a bloodthirsty look in her eyes as she stood up again. A cannon fired.

Elodie did the only thing she could think of, run. Poplar kept shooting at her, her aim was amazing. An arrow hit Elodie in the leg, and she collapsed to the ground in pain. Poplar shot another, this one hitting her in the shoulder. Elodie braced herself, this was it, she was a bloodbath tribute. About to be skewered alive.

And then Poplar got pulled away, by the career from District 3; Cinocca Trench.

"Not yet" he hissed at her.

"Fine" She glared, and with that, they both left.

Elodie's heartbeat pounded, making it hard to breathe. Tears rolled down her freckled cheeks, she grabbed the arrow in her leg, trying to pull it out. She groaned in pain as it tugged at her skin. Her breathing was heavy and noisy, she just hoped no one could see her. She'd managed to get into a thin forest bit, but there was still glittering white sand at her feet. She attempted again at removing the arrows, pulling them out in a swift motion. She ripped a piece of her shirt, tying it around her thigh, and she pressed her hand to the other wound.

She struggled for a while, trying to get up and move deeper into the forest. But her knees were too weak, and collapsed each time she stood.

"Need help?" it was the dark haired boy from twelve. His three twelve year old ducklings behind him.

"Yes please" her voice was breathy.

The group walked up, and the boy picked her up.

"I-I can walk, you don't need to carry me" she blushed in embarrassment.

"You can't even stand, I don't mind, really" he smiled. "By the way, I'm Garland"


"Nice to meet you, this is Morelai" he pointed towards a short, skinny girl. "Evening" the dark haired girl with an unpleasant expression on her face "And this is Kordeen" he gestured to the only other boy of the group, cute, sandy haired, with buck teeth.

"Thank you all so much"

They brought her deep into the forest, behind a thick wall of trees.

"Ok Kordeen, do your thing" Garland declared. The boy nodded, getting down onto his knees. He began digging in the sand, creating a shallow crevice. "It was his idea" Garland said "good place to hide"

He placed Elodie into the sand cautiously. Then he ripped a piece of his own shirt, tying it around her shoulder.

"You should rest a bit, we'll try to find water." and before she could even think about it, darkness settled over.


When Elodie woke, she was feeling significantly better, so she stood up, prepared to leave.

"Where are you going?" Garland asked.

"Well I figured, I should stop inconveniencing you guys, I mean, you already saved my life"

"It's not a problem, you're not healed yet anyways"

"No, I should really go"

"Please, stay"  his eyes pleaded "Help me protect them"

"The twelve year olds?" he nodded. "You must really care"

"I do, if anyone deserves to win, it's them"

"I understand" she smiled "And I'll help as much as I can"

"Thank you" he let out a shaky sigh "when I first saw you in training, I knew I could trust you. But I didn't want to drag anyone into this unwillingly"

"Well I'm willing, you saved my life, and I’m in your debt” she could understand his motives.

“Just agreeing to help protect the twelves has paid it back many times” They were hardly older than Coralie, and she could only imagine how she would feel if her sister was in these horrible games.

Just A Game (SYOT CLOSED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon