Chapter 7

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Hello people! So this is the long awaited tribute parade. This includes only the first six districts because this chapter was too long. I am so so so sorry if I haven't portrayed your characters well, or if you don't like your costumes... I tried really hard to make this seem realistic so not all the costumes are great. Please don't be angry, I'm only human.


Their costumes were elegant, Crystal was wearing a shimmering ice white sash, that rapped around her body softly. Then her dress, it started a pure snowy white at the top, but flowed down into a deep indigo colour at the bottom. It was covered completely in delicate gems, giving it the impression of ice. She smiled, showing off her crystal white teeth. She was loving this.

Her district partner; Beryl, was dressed similarly, instead of a sash he wore a flowing cape, glittering like a fresh snowfall. And a white suit, his covered in diamonds of multiple different shades of blue. Both tributes had on an elegant silver headress, encrusted with shining ice blue diamonds. It clearly represented their district, the whole outfit was a piece of luxury in itself.


Mckinley sighed, wishing the heavy weight of her costume was off her shoulders. It seemed to weigh a ton.

Both her and Ajax were in grey jumpsuits, textures to look like stone. Then on top of that, there were millions of rectangular gems, in silver and gold, they piled up neatly, creating a sort of brick effect, making it seem like they were some sort of walking buildings. On their heads they wore a large copper headpiece each, in the form of a circle.

She couldn't understand how Ajax could be enjoying this, he smiled and waved at the crowd. But McKinley couldn't be bothered by them, this wasn't the part that mattered, the training proved to much more useful. That was where everyone showed their true colors, weaknesses, strengths.


Cinocca gave a mysterious smirk, already he could see the millions of Capitol girls, captivated by his striking good looks. They cheered his name into the crowd, blowing kisses in his direction. He threw out a wink and a girl in the front fainted. Stupid Capitol girls, they knew nothing about him.

He turned to Harlow whispering in her ear.

"Don't forget to smile" but still her expression was stony.

Cinocca knew they both looked good, he knew he looked good. The faintly glowing, iridescent blue wires along his shirt brought out his eyes. And Harlow looked stunning, but somehow innocent in her black dress with blue wires to match.

Though unlike her blue wire headband, Cinocca had a victor's crown. Black and shiny, with wires intertwining along the edges.


Poplar couldn't keep from looking back, into Cinocca's dark and alluring blue eyes. She feared him, yes that was true but... She craved the danger that came with his touch. It was exhilarating.

She couldn't be bothered with her district partner; Kryton, although he looked smashing in his blue shimmering suit, that looked like rippling water. But she would rather he look more plain, the fact that his outfit matched hers somehow, stole her spotlight.

But he didn't have her fisheye hairpin. Poplar reached up and adjusted it, then waved at the crowd.

At least her outfit was a dress, over one shoulder and stopping above knees. The glittering fabric shooting off light in different directions. She may not be the star of the night, but she was determined to be THE star of the games.


Acrebeth looked down at herself in disgust. Obviously, her stylist was an idiot. She looked like a walking disco ball, her lab coat, yes LAB COAT was covered in glitter. And she was wearing a terrible headdress, it was red and blue, shaped like an atom. This was also covered in glitter.

She found that she left a trail of sparkles wherever she walked. This annoyed her to no end.

Holden was shy, he didn't talk much, didn't do much in general. He followed orders, did as he was told. That kept him out of trouble. But that meant in no way that he enjoyed his costume. He felt like the real life description of a nerd, who liked glitter. It actually made him feel kind of sick. Guys were not sparkly, we're not supposed to be sparkly. This was just over the top.


Daisuke struggled to move around. He had planned to show off some of his ninja skills, but his ridiculous costume got in the way.

Him and Alexia were dressed like astronauts, big bubble helmet and all. And on top of that, they had a silver rocket ship, attached diagonally to their suits, sticking out on their sides. It was extremely uncomfortable.

Alexia just felt like a fool. The costume was in no way flattering, if anything it showed a person's worst qualities. She just wanted it all to be over with, that she could just go home to the safety of district 6, with her family again

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