Chapter 2

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D11 Elodie Amaya

Elodie stood, and she waited. She reached her hand to the back of her neck, praying that no one could see the blossoming purple mark underneath her dark hair. The flesh was tender and sore to her touch, but it wasn't as bad as sometimes.

At this point she couldn't stand another confrontation about it. She didn't want to burden anyone. They all had bigger problems, like trying to make it through the winter. And hoping they wouldn't lose someone to the games.

Not a noise, everything was silent. You could hear every shaky terrified breath.

"Elodie Amaya" her heart started pounding loudly, surely everyone could hear it. But at least it wasnt Ally, or Callandra.

Elodie allowed herself a moment to think. No one would like that she was going but, no one would save her. She was alone... With no one to confide in.

Tears sprung to her eyes as she shakily stepped up, her black dress ruffling around her knees. She pushed a strand of her dark brown hair behind her ear. A terrible feeling of despair pulled through her. She was going to die... And she was terrified.

Elodie faintly heard the name of the male tribute being called as she watched all the people of her district stare at her.

"Damon Nyle" Elodie watched him come up. He had the dark olive tone skin and brown eyes that were shared with the rest of the district. So unlike her strange pale skin dotted with freckles and dark blue eyes. The only bit of District Eleven she'd inherited was the dark curly hair. The boy, Damon had a tall muscular build but a kind face.

She couldn't do it. She couldn't rip someone's soul from their body, she couldn't kill someone, she didn't stand a chance...


D3 Harlow Luna Page

"Sage Lily" then there was silence. Did no one care to volunteer? They all knew Sage's family couldn't survive without her. Harlow felt the searing flame of anger bubble up inside her. How could they be so selfish? Before she realized what she was doing, she raised her hand.

"I volunteer" she yelled defiantly, walking up confidently. Everyone just stared, trying to place her face.

But her gaze never left the crowd. She wouldn't let them put her down.

"and what's your name?". The escort for District three, Magdalen Harrown asked cheerfully.

"Harlow Luna Page" She heard whispers among the crowd.

"Is that one of the mayor's kids?"

"I've never seen her before" Maybe she could win, maybe then they'd finally notice her.


D12 Garland Colenight

Garlands eyes went wide as the tribute walked shakily. No.... Not again.

Her name was Evening, Evening Moore, twelve years old. This was so unfair, she was a child, not a weapon. It wasn't even remotely fair.

Garland could imagine it, the disturbing thought that the girl would be against eighteen year old careers. They were the weapons, the ones who were set on it. They wouldn't hesitate to rip her to pieces, they wouldn't surrender to the terrified look that her eyes would hold as they neared. It tore Garland apart inside, knowing that there were people who didn't even remotely deserve it, who would die. Just a bunch of scared kids.

So when he heard his own name called, he didn't allow himself to be scared, he had only one mission. To save those who were innocent, like Evening.

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