Chapter 3

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So I dedicated this chapter to RatherBeReading as her award for awesome comments. It is what she asked for after all. And I give her a shout out for her tributes!! Also you should check out her stuff, there are some Coolio stories. Now enough of the blabberingness and on with chapter 3.

D12 Evening Moore

Evening just sat. Feeling numb and cold. She couldn't be going into the games, as if she hadn't seen enough of its horrors. Just the feeling of longing that she'd felt as her own siblings' flesh was ripped violently from his body. She wanted to ignore it altogether, it was too hard to bear.

Her father's eyes met hers warmly.

"I know you're scared honey, but you can do this, I know you can" Evening flung herself into his arms.

"I can't do this ok?! You know I won't be winning" she sobbed quietly. He just held her, staying in silence, his seam gray eyes closed. "I love you guys, both of you" Evening looked up at her mother and embraced her. "I'll miss you both so much"


Still in D12 Garland Colenight

Garland looked up to the sound of the door creaking open. He let out a breathy laugh at the sight of his father.

"Aren't we a lucky family?" he said sarcastically. His father came to sit beside him solemnly.

"I'll understand whatever choice you make Garland, no one ever comes out the same, just always remember that people care about you and will support you through everything. Do what feels right son, somehow even if it's small, it will help someone."

Garland smiled sadly

"Thanks dad, I won't forget" the two just sat for a second, trying to take it all in. "Is Cahra here?" he asked.

"Ya, I just wanted a moment first, shall I get her?" Garland nodded and his father slipped out the door, returning with his sister and her fiancé.

Cahra ran in, tears shining in her grey eyes.

"My baby brother!" she grasped him in a hug, letting all the warmth of her bubbly personality flow through.

"It's ok" he whispered. "I've accepted it"

"But I haven't!" she pulled back "Do you promise you'll try?"



"I can't" he looked over her shoulder "You have Aden, you'll be fine. Don't freak out ok?"

"But what about the wedding?"

"Have the wedding, I wouldn't bear the thought that you declined becoming Mrs Cahra Everdeen because of me" he joked, trying to lighten the mood. He turned to Aden.

"You take care of her, that's my sister over there you know?" Aden laughed.

"Glad to know the circumstances haven't crushed your humor" he shook Garland's hand. "I haven't known you long Garland, but you've become something like a brother to me, I love Cahra and promise to care for her for the rest of our lives"

"Thank you guys, all of you" he felt the warmth, the way that everyone cared for him. It would be hard on them for sure, but they were strong. He wasn't the one that deserved to make it out, and they would understand

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