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This is it... It is finally finished. Thanks to you guys! So I have posted the second trailer up on Youtube, it is the 'theatrical' trailer. I used clips from videos that I do no own so you can only access the video from this link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZCkpD1mBBI (Also pasted below in comments)

I hope you guys like it. 


Then comes the part when twenty three bodies are sent home; twenty three children who were loved and needed, dead, shipped in wooden boxes like cargo. This is the part that makes it real, they're really dead. Seeing it only on the screen; you could pretend that they were still coming home. But they aren't, they're gone. Silent tears streaking our faces; theirs painted in makeup and their cold lifeless bodies pieced back together. This is the moment where we realize...  that we're all just pieces in their games.

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