Chapter 23

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The sun rays landed on my bed from the little window located above me bed. The white sheets camouflaged with the walls as I tried to rise from my slumber. Changing my clothes and washing me teeth, I waited for the man to come get me again.

I wonder whether any guards are guarding my door. The other rooms are not guarded. Then again, I am considered a special case.

After a few minutes, the door slowly opened revealing a guard instead of Michael.

"Michael wants you to be his assistance for the day, please follow me." The guard announced. This was not what I was expecting however, I recently followed him through the hallways and into a set of doors.

"Your first job is to make a cup of coffee every morning." Michael told me. I nodded and walked towards the coffee machine provided in the room. There was already a note telling me how much of what I should asked. When I finished, I placed it onto his desk and he took a sip. "Not bad. Well, let's start the day." After he finished, I felt a needle being plunged into me from behind which made me fall limp and someone's arm. It is the one that immobilizes me.

I was brought to the room I was in yesterday and cuffed back on the chair. "First off, speed." Finishing with a needle in my left arm. "To test this out, you will go against a hungry dog. If you do not make it, well, let us just say it is a loss for you." I was then carried to a room where a door was behind me. Listening to it, there were mad barking indicating the dog was there. There were also race light at the top of the room.

Red. Red. Green. The door burst open behind me signalling I better start running. I decided to turn my head to see where the dog is at and surprisingly, it was right on my tail. I increased to an inhuman speed, and saw the dog was a fair distance behind me. I went straight through the door at the end and once I entered, the door closed shut, not allowing the dog to follow. From all the running I should have been tired, however, I was not.

As of in cue, Michael came out, holding a confetti and releasing it. "Congratulations, you had beaten the dog. If you did not, well that would be a problem for me and you. Anyways, onto the next test!" Michael said happily. Another needle managed to find its way to my arm. Every time someone came from behind me to put that needle in my arm, I had already sensed it. However, I could not do anything with that information anyways.

I was being carried back to the room, and yet again, cuffed to the chair. "This needle," Michael said, holding one that contained blue liquid. "Is a serum of intelligence. Once you get injected with this, you would be more intelligent. More so then now. Once this is done, you will be my perfect little weapon." He continued, grinning like a maniac.

Once the needle went through my body, I can feel my thoughts quicken and more thoughts flooding in my mind. His plans are going to backfire. Michael was probably going to make me a hitman to kill the CIA since they did kick them out. He wants revenge and power. This method will prove to the CIA that they should have never kicked him out.

"To test this out, we will put you in a maze where you have a certain amount of time to find all the people tied up in there and kill him." I nodded robotically to his instructions. I decided I should be emotionless the rest of my time here. Humans fear the unknown.

I was led through a series of hallways and doors when Michael stopped. "When you go through the doors, there are 30 mins for you to kill everyone which is 10 people inside, go it?" I nodded, still holding my stone expression. Michael handed me some knives and motioned me in so I went inside.

I decided I should use the always go right rule so I would not miss any passage ways. This space was not that big and with the addition of my speed I could complete it under 30 mins. I could predict the area of this room by all the hallways I went through, almost circling the maze.

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