Chapter 2

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One of my special abilities is that I am able to wake up whenever I want. All I need to do is to convince myself that I have to wake up at a certain time and my body would naturally wake up for me. Plus, alarm clocks are obnoxious and annoying. I do not want to hear an alarm first thing in the morning, it ruins my mood.

I woke up at 7:00 am so I can prepare for the schedule I have for today. I head downstairs for breakfast. Everyone makes their own breakfast so no one would complain about the breakfast and whether they are making breakfast or not. I decided to have a simple bacon and eggs.

After I finished my breakfast, I decided to get prepared to my little trip to my uncle. Oh, how great it will to see him again. Since I still has some time to spare, I decided to work on some gang business while waiting for my third in command to get ready. I needed her to come with me since I did not like cleaning up bodies so I always bring a person to clean up after myself unless there is not need of such an arrangement.

Time skip to 9:00 am

"Hey boss, I am ready for today's assignment" Marissa states.

"K, just let my grab some things and meet me in my car." I started to go into my storage room and grabbed some ropes and handcuffs just in case uncle tries to escape. I did not need to bring any weapons since I have plenty of weapons on me and bringing more would just weigh me down.

 I did not need to bring any weapons since I have plenty of weapons on me and bringing more would just weigh me down

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 I head over to Ford Mustang which Marissa has already seated on the passenger seat. I started up my car and started to drive off to my uncle house.

I arrived at my uncle's house, it looks exactly like how it used to but maybe just a bit more wretched if that is even possible. I stepped out my car and started heading over the door. Hopefully my uncle is not drunk. I rang the doorbell two times before my uncle came and opened the door. Thankfully he was not drunk.

"Hello, how may I help you young lady?" my uncle replied trying to ask seductively. Wow, he sure did not change.

"Well... I wanted to see if I can stay here for a while since my parents are dead and I have no home to go to. I decided to go to this house since it looked like someone of high status lived inside it. The exterior is tidy and so as the interior as I can see bits of the house right now." Ironic... I know.

"It would be a pleasure to help you in such as situations young lady." my uncle replied with a wink. Ah, this is why I hate him so much, I just want to gag right now but that would ruin my cover.

"Thank you" He allowed me into his house and lead me to his kitchen where he sat me down and started to bring a cup of coffee to me. As he had his back turned to me, I immediately pulled out my gun and pointed it straight to him. It took a few seconds when he finally turned around meeting my gun.

"W-what a-are you doing?" my uncle asked fear clearly displayed in his voice.

"Wow, you do not even remember your on niece!" I responded

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