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The next we both woke up with a very different mood. Even the way we looked was different. I can only describe ourselves as "better", in the way that we looked like a better version of ourselves.

We both woke up in a very good mood. Right after we said good morning to each other we just burst into laugher. I mean ot couldn't be any other way after the night we had before.

On that night a lot has changed for me. At the begging I thought that, it was that guy that kind of freeded me, but the more I thought about it the more I started to realize that it was always me. I was the one who freeded myself, by stepping forward and just letting it go of all the thoughts on my mind.

I always think too much about everything I do, and what others may think of me and my actions. But not on that night. That night I just decided to do what I actually wanted. I wanted to be a confident woman, who trusts in herself and thinks she can do everything she wants to. On that night I wanted to be with that boy, I wanted him to touch me the way he did, I wanted to touch him the way I did. I wanted for him to want me. And that's exactly what happened.

By doing this I let a part of myself go, and welcomed a new one. I let go the part of myself that was always trying to be someone I was never. Someone that, in part, my parents and my family wanted me to be but they never actually saw me for who I really was. And I refused to see either.

I decided from that day forward I would never go back to being that person. That was not me, that's why I never really felt happiness. I can someone be happy if they are not themselves ? The way I see it, it's impossible. From that day forward I welcomed new me: a confident, strong, decided woman, sure of what she want for her life, sure of who she wanted to be.

After me and Hayley went to the beach, we decided to take breakfast on the cafe by the beach. It was like the best breakfast ever. We talked about the night before and laughed a lot.

"Last night was the most fun I had in like centuries"

"You looked happy, like truly happy. It's was so good seeing you that way" I could swear that while saying this words, Hayley was almost crying although she had the biggest smile on her face.

"I felt happy, I mean I'm still happy. Like really happy and it feels amazing"

After this we just got up and gave each other the biggest hug ever. We are not just best friends, I mean we don't even use that title. Because we're more than that, so much more. We went through a lot together, most of the bad moments that I have in my life she was my support just the way I was hers. After everything we went together, it's impossible for us not being this close to each other.

We went to the pool and enjoyed as much as we could and kind give our goodbyes to it, after all it was our last day in the south. We had to caught the train first thing in the morning in the next day.

In the afternoon we went to drink coffee and eat a little sweet cake. In that day decided to make like a girl's day, just not thinking about boys or any of those things. Just enjoy and appreciate the day and the sun.

The next day we woke up early and went to the station to caught our train and we were so tired that we spend basically the entire trip sleeping.

And that was when learned my seventh lesson: enjoy the little things.

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