The Trip

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After the festival I started to go out with my best friend. I loved our walks to discover little gardens scattered around the city. And as a bonus, we also discovered several places to eat. Sites with delicious pancakes, another was a house where we could eat a bowl of cereal, and another had the best croissants we'd ever eaten. And not to mention a small, beautiful restaurant that serves delicious homemade hot dogs.

Almost in that way we were already packing to go to our week in the south of the country. In the week before the trip we talked every day about it, and about what we were going to do and how we were going to have a great time. We were so excited that we even went crazy, but in a good way. We were happy for the good times we were going to have. And rightly so.

The day of our trip arrived and my parents took us to the train station. We picked up the train, packed our bags in the proper place, and then sat down in our seats. As we sat down we looked at each other and realized that we were thinking the same.

"I can not believe we're even going to do this" I had a smile so big I think it even hurt my face a little.

"I know, I also just started to believe now that we're on a convoy underway heading south"

"I just hope it's the best time of our lives. I really need it."

"But you still have doubts about that? You're going to be a week with a beach, a pool, a night out and no worries, but that's not even going to be the best part."

"What the hell's not going to be the best part?"

"The best part is going to be the company of course!" She said pointing to herself and with a huge smile on her face.

The only thing I managed to make was to laugh, but to laugh seriously as if there was no tomorrow. Of course, the result of this was to have a belly ache from laughing so much.

During the trip we began to discuss about our future nights, and the days too, or at least a little. We talked about the places where we wanted to go and tried to get some time to orient ourselves more or less. Another of the things we did was a list of our meals since as soon as we arrived we would leave the suitcases in the apartment and we had to go shopping.

After three hours we finally arrived. The weather there was much warmer and there was a radiant sun. As soon as we got to the apartment we did as we had agreed. After the shopping we made a small snack and went to the pool to fight the heat and relax.

Later we had dinner and began to prepare to leave.

"I can not believe I'm really going out, and it's not going to be just today, it's going to be all week."

"Why do you say that?"

"It's weird because my parents will not let me out but now I'm here and I can do what I really want."

"Do you mean to amuse yourself?"

"Yes," I said, returning the smile on her face.

That night we drank a couple of glasses of vodka and danced all night until the bars closed at four o'clock in the morning. When we got home we were tired but we had smiles stamped on the face.

"I do not remember ever having fun like this"

"I said that the company was good and that was already fun guaranteed" said my best friend to smile.

"There you are right"

We put on our pajamas and went to bed to rest well, because the next morning we went to the beach.

On that day and that night I walked unconcerned, the only thing I wanted to do was to enjoy that beautiful place, with a wonderful time and the company of my best friend who already became more sister than friend. That day I really enjoyed life, for the second time I remember. And every day that I did, I became happier and happier. And more and more confident. And I felt more and more like myself.

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