It had been a long, sleepless night for you.

You slowly turned your body to face the young astronomer.

His cheeks were red and stained with tears that he had shed in the tiny hours of the morning, his dirty blond hair was tousled and tangled, you assumed it was from running his hands through it all night long.

You released a heavy sigh.

"No one." You stated silently, as your blue eyes fell to the floor.

The stargazer never let his eyes wonder from your form, his heart aching at your weakened state.

He had been so concerned with Jimin's death, that he had not even thought about seeing how you were. The physician's told him that Jimin had died in your arms, and the you watched the life leave his dull, gray eyes.

His arms yearned for nothing more than to scoop you up and take you far from this place, somewhere you could once again be happy.

"How are you fairing?" He asked.

You shrugged your shoulders weakly, your gaze never once raising to meet his.

"I'm fine." You stated blandly. "How are you? I know he was your best friend....this must be hard on you."

The dirty blond nodded slowly, pain shooting through him at the mention of the high priest.

The two of them had grown up together. Hoseok was a few years older than the blind man, which meant, that Hoseok had always seen him as a younger sibling that he swore to protect. Whether it be from older boys that made fun of his disability, or his teachers that always beat him when he got something wrong.

Jimin had never lived a happy life. He was thrown away and disowned by his parents, he was denied any access to his younger brother, and the right to rule was stripped from him. The stargazer had always encouraged him to try and place his claim on the kingdom, and when Jimin's parents died, he saw the perfect opportunity to bring up the truth about his birth, but Jimin wouldn't hear about it, he would not take the throne from Taehyung.


When you came into this world, Jimin's main focus was you. He was constantly helping you try and tap into the powers he knew you possessed. He had full faith in you. Hoseok believed that the young priest had even grown for you on more than just a friendly level.

The soft way he spoke to you, the way he would hold your hand and ask you to guide him, even though he knew his way around the palace as though he had designed it. Jimin was always searching for an opportunity to be near you, like some sort of child with a crush.

Jimin had never shown any interest in the throne, not when Taehyung abused his power, not when he brought in hundreds of concubines, not even when he missed mandatory ceremonies of the gods. But when Taehyung began to pursue you with hostility, a fire lit up in Jimin, a fire that the young astronomer had never seen.

Jimin wanted to be Pharaoh.

Because he wanted to protect you.

The stargazer bit his lip as a pang of jealousy shot through him.

He couldn't believe himself. He was being jealous of a dead man, his best friend at that. He couldn't seem to help himself though. The way you always seemed to silently watch over Jimin, somehow managed to strike a cord of unease and anger with the dirty blond. Even now, as you stood mourning his death, Hoseok's heart pounded for you.

Hoseok swallowed hard.

"I miss him." He stated softly.

You nodded in agreement with his words a soft breath leaving your lips.

"Me too."

The young man slowly approached you.

"We should not mourn him. He is with the gods now. They will take good care of him."

You almost wanted to scoff at his statement. There were no gods, and if there were, you weren't happy with any of them at the moment. But you weren't going to say anything to Hoseok, if believing that Jimin was "with the gods" was his way of coping, then you were not going to open your mouth and say something against that.

"Right." You breathed as you watched the sun slowly bathe the town.

A frown formed on the astronomer's face as he noted your unhappy expression.

"We should focus on preparing you for your miracle."

Your breath hitched at his words.

You had forgotten about that.

Today was the last day to prove yourself to Taehyung.

You had until noon.

"I won't be preforming a miracle." You deadpanned.

Hoseok's brows raised at your harsh tone.

"What do you mean? You must prove yourself or-"

"I'm not a goddess!" You interjected.

He stared at you sadly, his eyes wide from your sudden outburst.

"Y-You are! Jimin-"

"I'm not!" You said coldly. "I've been trying to tell everyone that from day one! I am not special! So I have blue eyes! So what? It doesn't make me a goddess, it doesn't mean anything! Why can't you all wrap your heads around that!? Why is everyone looking to me for a miracle!?"

Hoseok bit his lip.

"Because you are divine."

You couldn't stop the cold chuckle that erupted from your throat as more tears threatened to spill from your eyes.

"Divine?" You repeated. "If I were divine, if I were a goddess, like you all force yourselves to believe, then why couldn't I heal Jimin?"

Tension filled the room as the dirty blond man lowered his head in shame, his chest aching.

"I'll tell you why." You sniffed as a single tear rolled down your cheek. "Because I am human, not even a good one at that. I can't do anything right. I can't save my mother, I can't preform a miracle, I can't even save myself from being turned into a slave. This whole idea that I can be someone who changes the world, someone who saves the day is unprecedented and frankly unfair. It's too much."

You breathed in a shaky breath, your eyes moving to the sky once again.

"I just-" You paused, allowing a few more tears to fall from your blue orbs.

"It's too much."


Hey guys! Long time no see.....

I'm sorry about killing Jimin....I just didn't see a need for his character in this story....I sincerely apologize.

If it helps; my younger sister (who reads this book) yelled at me...she also did that when I killed Hoseok in TFK, so it'snot like I'm going unpunished.

And "Art's Rarest Form" now has 1k!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you all!!!!!

Do you think that Writer is actually listening to the Reader? Or, is he just doing whatever "divine beings" do nowadays????

I love you all, my precious little Drakies. UwU <3


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