Part 9- Sibling Rivalries...

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Jughead POV: (The next week)

Things have been going so well with Betty, I literally couldn't be happier. I woke up with my arms around her. Betty was still sleeping and she looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake her up so I slowly released her from my arms and went outside to have a cigarette. As I walked outside, I saw something that would scar me for life. It was a serpent, Joaquin, dead on the ground with none other than Malachi standing over his lifeless body with a baseball bat covered in blood. Before he could see me I ran back into my trailer to wake Betty up. "mm..what is it Juggie?" She said sleepily. "Betty it's an emergency, I need you to get up and hide. "What? Why?" She asked. "I don't have time to explain, just hide, please Betts.." I told her. She did as I told her and hid in the corner of the room. I grabbed a revolver from my dad's closet that he kept for emergencies. I put on my leather serpent jacket and went outside to find out why Malachi was here. I cautiously approached him with my hand in my pocket, where my gun was. "What the hell do you want Malachi?" I asked. "Charles Smith wants revenge, and I'm here to get it." He replied. "Who the hell is Charles Smith?" I questioned. "Son of Alice Cooper, formerly known as Alice Smith. His sister, Elizabeth Cooper, is here. He wants me to pick her up, and get Alice's attention." He said. I panicked. "Charles...Goes by the name Chic?" Betty said. I told her to hide. Why the hell didn't she listen. "Who the fuck are you?" Malachi asked. "None of your-." I tried to say but Betty cut me off. "Betty, Betty Cooper, my full name is Elizabeth." She said. "You need to come with me." Malachi said. "The hell she does!" I tried to retaliate. "It's okay Jug." She told me. I could see the fear in her eyes. It was FAR from okay. She walked over to Malachi and mouthed "I'm sorry" to me...

Betty POV:

Charles Smith is my brother, well, half brother. I've met him before, but he goes by the name "Chic." Chic is a ghoulie, or to be more specific, the leader of the ghoulies. Malachi is his co-leader, because that gang is too big to be run by one person. I followed Malachi to his car and I got in the back. "You can sit shotgun if you want princess, I don't bite, unless you want me too." He said with a smirk. What a perv. "I'm fine back here, but thanks." I said as politely as possible, because I want to keep my skull un-cracked. He drove a sports car, I think it was a corvette. It was a beautiful car, it was black on the outside with two green racing stripes along the sides and it had a beautiful light brown leather interior with black stitching. As we started to drive away, I realized what I was wearing. It was one of Archie's t-shirts that reached my knees and just my underwear. "Hey, um, sorry to bother you, but is there any chance you've got an extra pair of pants...I'm kinda not wearing any..." I said timidly. "Even though I prefer you without them, there are some clothes that my ex-girlfriend left under the seat." He said. That's weirdly convenient, but I'm not gonna complain. It was a VERY small crop top that fell just below my bra, and a pair of denim booty shorts. Ugh. I decided against the crop top and I just tied Archie's shirt into a knot above my belly button and put on the shorts. We got to the lair, (the ghoulies bar) and Malachi led me to Chic. "Well look who it is, my dear sister. How are you Elizabeth?" He asked me. "I'm fine, but Joaquin isn't. What the hell was that for?" I asked. "He was an obstacle. I needed to get him out of the way to retrieve you." He replied. "What's even going on here?" I asked him. "Let me preface this by telling you that I'm not going to hurt you. You're my sister, but I need to get that Jughead guy out of the way so I can follow through with Hiram's plan to take over the south side. I can't do that with him and his serpents retaliating. So, I'm going to make him think that you're hurt, he'll come running to save you, and I'll...take care of him. He'll be out of our way and Hiram, the ghoulies, which includes you as of now, and I, will rule the south Side of Riverdale." He explained. "Wait a minute, I never agreed to join the ghoulies, and if you think for one second that I'm gonna sit back and let you kill Jughead, you've got another thing coming." I said. Chic nodded at two men that were standing behind me. Knowing Malachi, I grabbed Jughead's switch blade before leaving the trailer. They attempted to restrain me, as I had assumed, so I quickly pulled out the blade and stabbed each of them in the side which stopped them. I watched as they fell to the ground. "If you try to pull that shit on me EVER again, that'll be you on the floor bleeding out." I told Chic. "I assumed you'd try and rebel, but I never guessed that you'd stab my men." He said. "Here's another plan. It might protect your boyfriend, and since I love you, I'll do it." He added. "What plan?" I asked. "Malachi." He said, and Malachi grabbed my arms and chloroformed me. Before I knew what was happening, I was on the ground, falling asleep...

(SORRY FOR THE SOMEWHAT CLIFFHANGER!) I'll be updating again asap, probably tonight or tomorrow. I hope you liked this chapter! Please Vote and comment! Love ya 

-Ramen Noodle <3

🖤A Bughead Story🖤Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ