Chapter 2-Back Together

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Betty POV:
We had only been in detention for 15 minutes but I was bored out of my mind. Archie and Veronica were sitting near me, and just by looking at them I could tell that they were bored as hell too. Jughead was on the opposite side of the library from us. He kept glancing at me, sometimes they were mean glares, and sometimes he was just staring at me. I really wanted to know why, but then I remembered 7th grade. I know it was a while ago, and we were just little kids, but I've always regretted breaking off my friendship with him. I was too blinded by popularity and hot football players to realize that Jughead was my best friend. Not Veronica, not Cheryl, not Midge or Josie. Aside from Archie of course, we've been practically inseparable since we were babies. I can't believe I gave up one of my truest friends for Reggie Mantle. Ugh...I have to make this right.

Jughead POV
I couldn't help but stare at Betty. She was gorgeous. Don't get me wrong, I'm still really pissed off about what she did to me, but she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I wanted more than anything to reconcile with her, but I don't know how to. I came to the conclusion that if she really wanted to be friends with me, she would say something on her own. I saw her glance at me with an apologetic look, but I just ignored her. She got up from her seat and walked closer to me. She looked into my eyes, practically searching my soul, and asked "Do you mind if I sit?" I nodded with a look of disinterest, I didn't want her to know what I was feeling. She took the seat in front of me and sighed. "I know that what I did was stupid. Beyond stupid. I just wanted to let you know that I'm really sorry. I know that I don't deserve to be forgiven and I certainly don't deserve your friendship. I just needed to tell you." She looked down at her shoes while she waited for an answer, I could tell she wasn't even expecting one. "Why did you do it though?" I questioned, taking her by surprise. "Stupidity. Believing that dating the quarter back and being a cheerleader meant acceptance. To be honest, when I stopped being your friend, it wasn't because I didn't want to. It was because Reggie was jealous of you for some reason and I was terrified that he would break up with me." She said. "Did he ever mention why?" I asked her. "No." She said in response. "I can't believe that you guys have been dating for so long." I said. "Actually, we're not anymore." She said with a sad smile. I didn't want to pry so I stopped questioning her. "Is there any chance that you'd have me as a friend again? I know I don't deserve it but I was just hoping-." I cut her off, "Yeah." I said. She smiled a big beautiful smile. "Really?" She said with a hint of excitement and shock in her voice. "Definitely." I replied.

Betty POV
I'm so happy, Jughead said we could be friends again. He's the nicest guy ever, he may look all rough and tough but he's a really good guy underneath. "Thank you." I said. I'm so grateful to have him in my life. "Don't thank me Betts, I'd never give up a chance to be able to hang out with you." He said with a smirk. I giggled at him and he smiled. I missed that smile. I think a little part of me has a crush on him. I mean he's sweet, smart, cute, strong, he's got it all. Ok I definitely have a crush on him...He gave me a look, almost as if he felt the same way but I highly doubt it because besides today, we haven't spoken in years. I looked into his eyes and they were filled with love, and not just friendly love, that's exactly how Reggie looked at me before our know...time. He leaned in and so did I. Our lips connected and we kissed until we had to catch our breath. As we pulled away I smiled ear to ear, and I saw him smile too, not big enough to throw off his bad boy reputation, but enough that I could tell. He looked me in the eyes and said "I've been wanting to do that for years." Once he said that I knew I was falling for him. He smiled at me and we kissed again. Veronica and Archie were so caught up in each other that they hadn't even noticed. I got up making sure no one noticed me and I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen that I saw on the book shelf I passed him a note, it read
"Meet me in the blue and gold"
Mr. Weatherbee still thinks that the blue and gold is "not in use." I have a key from last year when I worked on the school paper. Veronica and Archie were having a little moment of their own and didn't even notice me leave. I got to the blue and gold and then about a minute later I heard the door open quietly. "Hey there." He said with a smirk. "Hey" I said back in a seductive tone. As soon as I kissed him I felt electricity. I wanted him right there. Right now.
Jughead POV
Betty passed me a note. "Meet me in the blue and gold" the school paper? Why would she want to meet there? And then I realized. I stealthily walked out of the library without Veronica or Archie seeing me and I sprinted to the blue and gold room. There she was, sitting on a desk looking like a goddess. I walked up to her. "Hey there." I smirked. "Hey." She replied, here voice was so seductive that I wanted to rip all of our clothes off and take her right there. I held her hips and kissed her. Our kisses got more and more passionate and one thing led to another, and we "did it" against a file cabinet. We were kissing the whole time so that our moans would be muffled. When we were done and got all of our clothes back on Betty's hair looked a mess and she attempted to put it into a bun. It was obvious what we'd done, but hopefully everyone else in the room was to oblivious to notice...

Sorry about that break I took from the story, I'm gonna try and upload every other day but I want to focus on uploading quality chapters over quantity chapters. I hope you liked it!!! And Bughead is alive and thriving!!!!!!

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