Part 5- "I did something kind of stupid"

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Veronica POV:                                                                                                                                                                     I walked into my father's study, (by invitation of course, he would never allow me in there otherwise.) "Good morning mija. What did you want to speak to me about?" He said. "I actually had a question about SouthSide High School..." I said. "I may not be able to answer that mija, some of that information could put you in harms way." He replied. My father has some questionable business dealings with SouthSide High, and the details of them are kept classified. "I'm hoping this is not a part of the harmful information, but do you happen to have a list of students that will be transferred to SHS from RHS?" I asked. "As a matter of fact I do, and before I give it to you, may I ask why you're concerned with this list?" He replied. "I just wanted to see who I have to say goodbye to. Thank you daddykins!" I lied. He smiled and said "You're very welcome mija." I took the list and went into my room. I searched through the list. I followed the alphabetical order to the letter J, as in Jones. "Jacobs, Jiffley, Johnson, Jude..." wait a minute...They skipped Jones...Oh no...I went into my father's study and handed him the papers. He was on the phone, so I set them down in front of him and mouthed the words "thank you." and left. Reggie isn't going to be happy about this...

Archie POV:                                                                                                                                                                          There was a school dance coming up. The homecoming dance. I know I said that I wouldn't mess with Betty and Jughead's relationship, but I really wanted to take Betty to this dance. I was walking home from football practice when I stumbled in front of Betty's house. I tripped over a broken piece of cement from the sidewalk. "God damn it!" I yelled. The shoes from my football bag hit me hard in the stomach. They had metal cleats which i landed on, scraping my stomach pretty hard. As if on cue, Betty rushed out of her house. "Oh my god, Arch!" She yelled. There was a small amount of blood coming from my stomach where the cleat scratched me. She rushed over and helped me up. "Betts, you didn't have to do that, I could've gotten up on my own ya know." I chuckled. "Archie, you're bleeding, what the heck happened?" She replied. "The metal cleats from my football bag cut me, I'll be fine." I told her. "No way Arch. I'm not letting this get infected." She replied. "Betty, I think you're my guardian angel." I told her. She giggled. That sound makes me so happy. "I'm going to get some peroxide, a cotton pad, a bandage and of course some neosporin to help it heal. I'll be right back" She said. She came back and placed everything on the table. "Lift up your shirt" She told me. "You wanna see my abs Betts?" I laughed. "No I wanna see your wound, you doofus." She laughed. I lifted my shirt up and took it off. "Alright this might hurt a bit." She told me. "I'm 17 Betty, I think I can handle it." I chuckled. "Here goes, if it hurts to bad just squeeze my other hand." She said. She put the peroxide on a cotten pad and gently dabbed my wound. It didn't hurt, but any excuse to hold Betty's hand. I fake winced and squeezed her hand gently. She put some neosporin on it and then I realized we were still holding hands. "Umm, Arch I'm gonna need that hand back to put your bandage on." She said chuckling. "Oh yeah" I said and started laughing. We laughed together as she placed the bandage gently on my stomach. "Hey Betts?" I asked. "Yeah?" She replied. "If you're not going to the dance with Jughead already, would you maybe want to go with me?" I asked her. "Oh, Archie, I'm actually going with someone...else..." She replied. WHAT?! If it's not Jughead and it's not me, who the hell is she going with? "Who?" I asked. "Reggie..." She mumbled under her breath. WHAT. THE. F*CK...

Betty POV:                                                                                                                                                                            I know, going to a dance with your ex is weird, but Reggie asked me after our breakup if we could still go as friends. I don't want to lose Reggie as a friend, so of course I said yes. I don't really know how to explain this to Jughead... "Um...Earth to Betty..." Archie said. "Oh, sorry, what?" I said. "Betts, you've been completely zoned out for the last 2 minutes." He laughed. "But, why are you going to the dance with Reggie, and how are you going to tell Jughead?" He asked. "Well, he asked me to go with him as friends after we broke up. I said yes because I still love him as a friend, and I have no idea how to tell Jughead." I said. "Oh, Betty Cooper, you're in it deep." He told me. "You don't have to tell me twice." I said giggling. "Well, I better go. My dad just texted me. See ya later! Or through the window." He laughed. "Bye Arch!" I replied. I went up to my room. I texted Jughead to come over, we really need to talk about this homecoming dance situation...

Jughead POV:                                                                                                                                                                      I got a text from Betty. She asked me to come over because "we need to talk..." I really hope that doesn't mean what I think it means. I really like her, and I don't want her to break up with me before we've even started. I got on my motorcycle and drove to her house. She was out on the steps of her house. "Hey Betts, what's up?" I asked her. She looked up from the ground and walked over and kissed me. "Cool, me too." I said, which made her giggle. I love that giggle, she sounds like an angel. "I did something kind of stupid, please don't be mad at me." she said. "I could never be mad at you Betts." I said. "After we broke up, Reggie asked me to the homecoming dance, just as friends though. I said yes because it was before we started..." she said. To be honest, I was a little upset, but I could tell that she wasn't into Reggie, and she truly meant it when she said "just as friends" so I'm not mad at her. "That's okay Betts." I said. "She smiled and hugged me. "What did I do to deserve you, Jughead Jones." She replied. We went inside her house and watched netflix while stealing kisses from eachother. I'm insanely in love with this girl...

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