Part 4-but are you endgame tho?

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Betty POV: (1 hour later)
We had one more hour left of detention, and I noticed that the room was filled with tension. "Sooo...." Veronica said awkwardly. "Am I the only one sensing the tension in the air?" She added. "Nope" Archie, Jughead and I said in unison. We all chuckled at the fact that we said it all at once. "Betty, can I talk to you?" Jughead asked me. "Sure, now?" I replied. "Yeah, follow me." He said. We walked to the back of the library. "Betts, I'm really into you..." he said nervously. "I'm into you too." I replied with a small smile. He let out a sigh of relief and then asked me "but, do you still have feelings for Reggie?" Tough question, "not in the same way I have feelings for you..." I responded. "What do you mean?" He asked, clearly anxious. "Well he's still one of my closest friends, but I don't like him in 'that way'" I said. He pulled me in and kissed me on the lips. God I'm seriously falling in love with him...
Jughead POV:
Thank god she doesn't still like Reggie, I'm seriously in love with Betty. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever met, both inside and out. I kissed her on the lips and she kissed me back sweetly. I love her so much that just being around her makes me feel like I'm dreaming. "What's up?" She giggled, pulling me back to reality. "Huh?" I replied. "Juggie, you've been zoning out for like 5 minutes." She giggled again, god that sound makes my heart smile. "Whatcha thinkin bout?" She asked me. "You." I answered truthfully. She kissed me passionately and I ran my hands through her hair. I started kissing her neck, but she stopped me. "Juggie. Veronica and Archie are right over there...what if they see us? Or a teacher sees us!?" She said, attempting to stifle the urge to moan. I groaned. "Fine, but, to be continued?" I asked her. "Definitely." She smirked. She kissed me lightly and then we walked back to our seats hand in hand. Veronica smirked at us and Archie looked worried. Veronica noticed and asked him what was wrong. "What's wrong Archiekins?" She asked. "Reggie's going to kill somebody" he murmured under his breath...
Veronica POV:
Who would Reggie want to kill? That's a weird thing to say. And then it hit me. "Oh shit" I realized, if Reggie found out about #Bughead, he'd be fuming with anger. Reggie was insanely in love with Betty, and he was extremely protective of her. If another man came within a 10 foot radius of Betty, Reggie would put an end tohim. I work with Reggie at my speakeasy, and he would bring Betty there all the time. He's going to be crushed when he sees Betty with Jughead. According to my parents, SouthSide High is reopening soon, I just don't know when. If Jughead gets sent back to SouthSide High, Reggie won't see Betty with Jughead, if I can somehow make this reopening happen faster, I think I can keep everyone a lot safer...
Archie POV:
Veronica is so nice. I've been talking to her all day and I can't wait to ask her out. She's got this really great personality and not to mention the fact that she's gorgeous. I'm not one of those guys that's all about looks, I'm just simply stating that Veronica is one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. Aside from Betty...She and I have been best friends for a very long time, but we once had this friends with benefits thing going on while she and Reggie were on a break from each other. I'm totally over it though. There were no feelings involved. Actually I don't really know...I like Betty a lot but I don't want to ruin our friendship, or what she has with Jughead. They deserve happiness. I'm not going to take that away from them. Plus, I'm pretty into Veronica now...

Veronica POV:                                                                                                                                                                    While Betty, Archie and Jughead were talking, I noticed Archie looking at the new couple with a hint of longing in his eyes. I felt a tinge of jealousy, but we weren't together (yet). I really like him, but if I'm going to be with him I need to make sure that he's really into me, and not someone else. That'd be a painful heartbreak. I needed to make sure that he liked me and not someone else; aka Betty; before I made a move on him. "Archiekins, can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked him. "Sure, what's up?" He replied. "Um, could we go in the hall?" I asked. "Sure" He said. He followed me into the hall. "Archie, this is kind of a personal question...but, do you like Betty?" I questioned. "Of course I do, she's my best friend!" he said, chuckling. He's so cute. "I meant, do you like her as...more than a friend?" I said, awkwardly. He looked down at his shoes and fiddled with the hem of his shirt. "N-no, just friends." he said. I immediately knew he was lying. "Archie?" I said, "You know I'm not stupid right? It's obvious." I said. He looked at me with a worried expression. "Okay, I do, but she's with Jughead now. I'm not going to get in the way of that. Also...there's someone else I have my eye on..." He said that last part with a smirk. "Oh, and who might that be?" I said, stepping closer to him. "Well, she's got beautiful brown eyes, dark hair, and a huge heart..." He said blushing. "Do I know her? I stepped closer. (I know he means me, I'm not dumb). "Yeah, you two are really close" He said with a chuckle. "I think she likes you too. Archiekins..." and as I said that, I leaned in and kissed him. As we pulled away, I saw Jughead and Betty sneak out of the library into the blue and gold. "Hey Archie, look it's Nancy Drew and True Detective." I whispered, giggling. "How much do you wanna bet that they're about to engage in some serious 'investigating'" he said that last work while raising his eyebrows. "Oh, definitely" I said laughing.

Authors Note: Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment some things/characters you want me to incorporate! XOXO -Ramen Noodle

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