Chapter 3 - Awkward Car Rides and Phone Calls

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Your P.O.V.

You were riding in the back seat of Jin's car with Jungkook in the passenger seat and Jin driving. You cringed at the awkward silence. You could practically see the tension, along with the steam coming out of Jin's ears.

"What the hell was that!?!" Jin finally yelled while driving.

"I-" Jungkook started but Jin cut him off.

"THAT was disgusting. That's what that was." Jin said scrunching up his nose. You stifled a laugh. You could already see his anger fading.

"Am I really that gross?" You asked from the back seat.

"It's not you y/n. If I thought you looked gross do you think I would let you wait tables and put an ugly name on my cafe?"

"Fairpoint." you said shrugging.

"What's disgusting is two of the most innocent potatoes I know going at it on a bed with the front door wide open."

"Innocent?" Jungkook questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Potato?" You said, face scrunching up in confusion.

"Yes. Look, you may not be innocent, but you're kids compared to my vast amount of knowledge about life. Plus, you both know I don't have a lot and you're both like family to me. So it is a little weird to know where you two were going before I walked in." He sounded kind of sad.

"Jin that's really sweet and I do see you as family, I think we both do, but that doesn't explain why you called me a potato. Also, why were you even at my apartment?" You questioned further, still touched at the fact that he called you family.

"Oh, I realized I needed you too work today so me and Jungkook left the cafe with Jae-hee and came to pick you up since you weren't answering your phone. Jungkook was taking a while so I came up to what was holding him up. And then I saw that it was you. Literally."

"Okay..." you say still feeling slightly awkward about being caught by Jin with Jungkook on top of you,"Wait, you left Jae-hee in charge of the cafe?"

"Yes..? Why are you so concerned- Oh Shit." Jin sighed outwardly, only now realizing the mistake he made. Jae-hee was not suppose to be allowed to run the cafe, even on slow days by herself. She had done it once before. Let's just say it was bad.

Jin was speeding down the road towards the cafe. Luckily, your apartment wasn't too far away from the Kim Cafe.

When you parked on the side in the reserved manager spot, you all rushed out of the car and ran for the door. Jungkook being the fastest reached it first and swung the door open. He froze in the doorway.

Jin ran into him, you followed, your face running into Jin's back.

"Kook, what are you-" You looked up, Jin's mouth was hanging open. Jungkook's head was cocked to the side, like he was thinking really hard about something. You tried to stand on your tiptoes to see whatever disaster Jae-hee had created but between Jin's extra wide shoulders and Jungkook's height you couldn't see anything.

"Will you two go in, I can't see anything," you said, shoving them into the building. Jin quickly snapped out of it when you pushed him.

Shoving past Jungkook, he quickly walked up to a man standing at the counter talking to Jae-hee.

"Hello sir, I'm Kim Seok-Jin, the owner of this cafe. Can help you with anything today?" Jin said, really sucking up to the man.

"You still hadn't gotten a good look at his face but he was wearing a suit. The kind you'd see a fancy business man wearing. It was light brown, and he was wearing a white button up underneath. You couldn't really see his tie but it looked bright blue. But really got you was his shoes. They were slippers. With snakes on them. Gucci slippers?

Jungkook leaned down and whispered in your ear,"Isn't that the rich guy you and Jin were talking about the other day, the billionaire's son? That Kim guy?"

Before you could respond the man asked Jin a question that had all eyes on you.

"Yes, in her file it said Miss Park y/n worked here part-time. I was wondering if you could tell if she's currently here or where I could find her in the moment."

Jin eyes snapped his over to you, along with Jae-hee, which caught the man's attention. Even Jungkook looked down at you with his eyebrow raised questioningly. You really hoped your outfit looked alright.

The man turned around and locked eyes with you. He smiled. It was big and boxy and bright. Kim freaking Taehyung smiled. At you. His vibrant red hair matched his smile in every way.

You quickly looked down at your outfit to see if you looked like a clown. You almost sighed in relief.
You had on a light pink button up blouse with golden buttons and a dark denim jeans that had three gold buttons and, thankfully, no rips. You black flats didn't look bad with the outfit, especially since you had on your black zip up jacket on over your blouse.

You look back and see him checking out you outfit too. You quickly clear your throat. His eyes snap back up to yours, making you flush slightly.

"You weren't answering my calls or my company's calls. I thought I'd stop by your work and see if I could find you."

"Find me? Mr. Kim what for?" you asked in disbelief.

"You got the internship."

Jin stared for a minute at you, and then started clapping.

You would have face palmed at him but you were too happy. You got the internship. The internship at Kim Technology. Working for the one and only Kim Taehyung.


"Yes, you start Monday."


He chuckled a bit as he nodded," Yes, be there at 7:00 sharp."

You were about to open you mouth again but Jin stopped you.

"Yes child, you really got the internship. Now leave, you no longer have to work today. Just go shopping or something, unless you planning on wearing...that."

Your jaw fell open. Jin totally just dissed you. In front of your new boss. You were going to kill him. Later though, because right now you weren't functioning right. You got the internship.The incident with Jungkook was completely forgotten.

In that moment you made a vow. You are going to be serious and super hard working. You aren't going to let anything or anyone stop you from doing your work. From now on, so long as you were on duty as an assistant, you were going to be an uptight business secretary.

There is no way you are gonna mess this up.

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