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  Chase arrived back on the docks of Adventure Bay, but there was one problem, the city was covered with lots of Cutter's men. "Shit! Now how am I supposed to get back to the lookout without being undetected?" said Chase. All of a sudden, one of Cutter's men was walking over to the edge of the docks. Chase took advantage and he leaped up and stabbed him through the chest and he collapsed into the water. Chase then hid behind some barrels and he then leaped into the air and took out the other two men that were on the docks.

  Chase was now back into the city and he was heading his way back to the lookout, but before he could head there, he was pistol-whipped by one of Cutter's men. "How the fuck are you not dead yet?!" said one of Cutter's men as they carried Chase to the lookout. He woke up to see Ryder and the pups locked in a cage and he then saw Cutter with a gun in his hand. "So, my men didn't kill you after all. I knew they couldn't get the job done!" said Cutter as he cocked the gun. "Let them go you fucking asshole!" said Chase as he tried to get up but was clocked on the head with the pistol that Cutter was holding.

  "Leave him alone!" said Skye. "Shut up bitch! One more word out of you and all of you are next!" said Cutter as he pointed the gun at them. "No! Let them go!" said Chase. "Here's the thing Chase, my friends made you become better than a pup. You are a mutant now. You're stronger, you're faster, you're smarter. But at what cause? Your new abilities will only put them in danger." said Cutter as he pointed at Ryder and the pups. "So, if I kill you, then they won't be in danger anymore." said Cutter as he pointed the gun at Chase once again.

  "There's only one flaw in your plan?" said Chase. "And what's that?!" "I can't die!" said Chase. "Wrong! This gun contains a bullet made out of silver and it can kill a mutant!" said Cutter. "Don't shoot him!" said Ryder as he tried to get out of the cage. "Just close your eyes Chase. This won't hurt a bit!" said Cutter.

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