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  Ryder and the pups were playing outside and Chase was playing tug of war with the second strongest pup in the Paw Patrol, Rubble. "I'm gonna beat you Chase!" said Rubble as he grabbed his end of the rope. "You can try." said Chase as he smiled and he grabbed his end of the rope. Ryder and the pups were watching the war go on and with Chase's new abilities, he won with no problem. "Good game Rubble." said Chase as he put Rubble on the back. "You too Chase." said Rubble as he walked away. Chase then heard a sound from the city, it sounded like a truck.

All of a sudden, a smoke bomb hit the lookout and there was smoke everywhere, causing Ryder and the pups to not be able to see. "Chase, where are you?!" said Ryder. "Where are you guys at? I can't see shit!" said Chase as he started to walk around to try and find Ryder and the pups. "Chase! Help!" said Skye as Chase pulled out his claws and followed the direction of her voice. "Skye! Baby, where are you?!" said Chase as he kept on walking around in the smoke. But as Chase caught the scent of Skye, a net caught him and the smoke cleared up.

After the smoke cleared up, the men that Chase encountered before with Ripper and Crasher, were standing above him. "You remember us you piece of shit?!" said one of the men as he punted Chase right to the face, causing him to bleed from the mouth. Chase was now livid and he cut the net and leaped on one of the men's head anx stabbed him through his face. "Shoot that fucking dog!" said the men as they began to to shoot at Chase, but missed every shot and they were eventually killed by Chase.

"Ryder, pups, where the hell are you?!" said Chase as he started to walk to the lookout. There was no response from anyone and Chase was stabbed right through his body with claws like his, but longer. "Bring them out here!" said the man as he retracted his claws out of Chase's stomach. Chase then noticed that armed men had Ryder on hus knees and the pups were on leashes, tied to poles. "One move! If you make one move! I will tell my men to fire and their fucking brains will be all over the fucking place!" said the man as Chase tried to get up, but couldn't.

"Come on Chase! Get the hell up!" said Rocky. "Shut the fuck up!" said one of the men as he cocked his gun. "What a shame. I expected more, considering you killed my friends, Ripper and Crasher! "You son of a bitch!" said Chase as he was stabbed through the back by Cutter. "Who the fuck are you?!" said Chase. "Call me Cutter!" said Cutter as he stook his other claws into Chase's chest and hoisted him up. "Where are you going with him?!" said Skye as she tried to bit the leash but stopped when of the men stepped closer and slapped her.

Cutter walked to the edge of the cliff and he threw Chase into the ocean. "CHASE! Oh you son of a bitch!" said Ryder as he got to his feet but was knocked back down with the gun that the man was holding behind him. "No more problems here. You three, get down there! If he is still alive, finish the job!" said Cutter as he walked inside the lookout.

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