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  Chase woke up to be chained to the wall, while Max stared at him. "You son of a bitch!" said Chase as he tried to break out of the chains, but couldn't. "Don't even try to break out of those. You're stuck here whether you like it or not!" said Max as he turned around and began to walk away, but was stopped by Chase calling his name. "I told you that I have to get back to my friends! They're in danger!" said Chase. "And you should've went back to save them instead of pissing me off!" said Max. "I wasn't trying to piss you off but if you don't let me out of these chains, then I'm gonna get pissed off!" said Chase as he started pulling to try and loosen the chains.

  Max took advantage of this and socked Chase across the face and just smirked. "You are so lucky that I am caught by these fucking chains!" said Chase as he still tried to pull the chains out of the wall, but no dice. "Okay, this is starting to bore me! My owner will be here to dump you into the chemical bath in a few minutes." said Max as he turned his back on Chase and began to walk out the door. "Wait! Chemical bath?!" said Chase. "Yeah, you're going to lose your abilities!" said Max as he walked out of the room. "You fucking son of a bitch! I'll kill you!" said Chase. "I highly doubt that." said Max as he left.

  "Great. Fucking teriffic! I gotta get out of this hell hole!" said Chase as he started to pull the chains out of the wall and he used all of his strength and one finally came out. He then freed that paw and used his claws to cut the other chain. Chase was free and he looked out the window and saw a motorboat. "That's my ticket out of this island." said Chase as he exited and hid behind a tree. "Okay, let's see how many there are." thought Chase as he looked up and saw quite a few guards.

  Chase pulled out his claws and said, "Let's dance bitches!"


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