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Carmen's POV

"Carmen look at you! You've grown so much," my mother said as she engulfed me in a huge bear hug, "I've missed you."

"I miss you too mom," I said smiling into her chest as if I've talked to her everyday.

Last time I came and visited my parents, me leaving the house was because we got into a huge argument over how I went to Juliard I should be going into an orchestra, though I choose not too.

My father was behind my mother. To say our exchange was awkward, was an understatement. His eyes could cut daggers through me if he tried hard enough.

I gulped down air and shakily went up and said, "Hi dad."

He nodded and proceeded to let me into the house.

Since the last time I was here neither my parents believed in me - though my mom obviously put that behind us - I'm going to tell them about my new job.

Though there's one person I missed the most in this household.

"ANDREW!" I yelled for my brother.

He quickly came running down the stairs and engulfed me in the biggest hug I've received in years. I truly missed him. Fighting with my parents meant not seeing him as much and it sucked, but that's how it worked.

Andrew or Drew for short was a high school senior this year meaning I'm about 4 years older than him.

"Carmen how have you been?! I've missed you so much. You don't understand how much bro" He told me and I giggled at the little "bro" he said at the end.

"Brooooo I missed you too. I promise you can come visit my new place in LA whenever and we'll start texting more how 'bout that?" I asked.

"Of course. Also I have a girlfriend. She's coming in a couple minutes since I wanted you to meet her." She said quickly with a smile and ran up the stairs. Guessing he's getting ready, but oh well.

"Ahmm" My dad said and I turned around. For a bit I completely forgot Nicole had came with me. She knows about the exchange with my parents about 2 years ago, but this is about to be a whole new level of awkward.

"So Carmen how's school?" My father asked as he sat on the couch right next to my mother. Nicole and I sat on the couch right across.

"It's good. I'm actually taking a couple online classes to finish a bit earlier since Nicole and I have set to graduate a semester early in January. We're here for the rest of November here finishing some things up, Nicole doing auditions and me getting a job so when we come back in January after graduation we have a place to stay and such." I said with a smile.

"So you have a job yet, or you're still looking? Because you can always audition with-"

"Dad yes I already have a job. How many times do I have to say I. don't. want. to. be. in. a. orchestra" I quickly snapped back at him. He gave me a look of shock as if he truly didn't believe I could get a job. Fucking Asshole move if you ask me.

Before my father could say anything else the doorbell rang. Thank the lord to whoever Andrew's girlfriend is.

Drew quickly came running down the stairs and opened the door, she was soon led to the living room and sat in the singular couch on the side of Nicole while Drew sat at the couch with my parents.

I'm not going to lie Drew did really good with this one. Brunette with green eyes, her looks are keep, now it's just her personality I'm worried about.

Drew quickly introduced her as Josephina. She just waved I assumed she's the shy type so I didn't push anything and said, "Well hello I'm Carmen, Andrew's sister. I presume you're a very lovely girl." I smiled and my father quickly said, "So Carmen what's your job exactly."

"Basically I work for this band called 5 Seconds of Summer. I'm their lead session violinist and record with them in the studio starting tomorrow."

My father actually seemed pleased and gave me a hug. After the awkwardness it felt really nice to be in his arms knowing I had his approval.

I looked around at my mom and brother and they smiled being happy that my dreams are coming true. While looking at Drew I noticed Josephina's mouth was hung open as if she couldn't believe me. What I didn't notice is that she was of course wearing a 5 seconds of summer shirt. Oh great. I'm fucked.

I looked at her and she said, "You...I-YOU HAVE CONTACT WITH 5SOS! OH MY GOD I'M GOING TO ACTUALLY CRY."

She was in shock not was I was expecting. Nicole and I exchanged glances and I said, "Yeah uhh...sorry I didn't realize you were a fan. I wouldn't have said anything since I'm not really supposed too."

"I promise I won't tell anyone." She said while pretending to zip her mouth shut.

"So Carmen and I have to get going ASAP. We have to get some essentials for the apartment today. Sorry to cut it short." Nicole said saving me from the awkwardness.

"Yeah, sorry. Where's my stuff?" I said while standing up.

"It's in your room sweetie. And if you ever need anything don't hesitate to call." My mom said getting up as well to hug me.

"Of course and thank you so much," I said while walking to my room which was the only one downstairs, with Nicole and grabbing the two boxes of extra essentials I had shipped here.

Once in the car and ready to go I told Nicole, "Thank god you were here. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"It's no problem that's why we're best friends." She said.

With that we left on another hour journey back.


Thank you for 1k reads love ya.

Also this chapter was another little filler and very awkward writing. Kinda wrote it while having a breakdown, but it had some vital details.

comment/vote/add library please

love lily xx

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