Mole x sick!reader

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"Hhheeeyyy" I said in sassy like tone to my best friend. I shut the door with a smile and went into the living room. 

Wonder who is my bestie for the restie? Stupid to say it like that but I've always liked it, anyways its mole.

 Mole was a good person with a terrible past. When he was 9 his dad had an accidental mishaps, while he had googles and knew what to do. Mole didn't, moles dad heard him yell when it got in his eyes and went to help his son. Sadly what ever chemical stuff his dad was messing with made him completely blind. I was new to the town then, and he had been one of the first people I met and be friended me. I was 6. My mother had found out and told dad, while I eased dropped like always. I threw a fit to go see him cause I was scared, he was still my only friend at the time.

After the doctors fixed the irritation around the eye and anywhere else, we was allowed to leave. Though he had lost all sight completely. He had went into depression and I hated seeing him sad. So I would tell him jokes, we'd listen to comedy, and I would help him around his house some since he already knew it.

He had other friends but when they kept getting hurt or killed my mole, they one by one left. This didn't help with his growing depression and anxiety. So he was always sure to be safer around me, but a few years later he had accidentally killed me. I didn't blame him, but when I came back the next day and saw him crying. He thought he had lost his only friend like he did every one else

It broke my heart.

He had became more than a friend to me, he was now my crush and I didn't give a damn. still is. 

"hello {name}.." He sounds sad, Should I tell him? Today doesn't sound like it's been good for him. But I need to tell him.. I went and sat be side him, rubbing his right arm. I can't tell him when his sad.

"Are you ok? you don't sound alright." He tensed up. I had ticked him off? I didn't mean to. I went to say sorry but he had said something first.

"Why are you here?! Every day damnit! Say a few words and leave, some times help me around town. I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP ANYMORE {NAME}!!! I'M FUCKING 19 BEING TREAT LIKE IM 9! IT PISSES ME OFF." He gripped his hair and grinded his teeth. 

Have I been over stepping bounties? I looked down.

"Sorry, I just thought-"

"What ever you though wasn't right.. I want to be alone and anytime I want that your here." I could feel my eyes sting with tears, I coughed a bit with some blood.

Great, I have to get my prescriptions filled.

"Then tell me to leave, I should've known I was over stepping my boundaries. I'm sorry but -"

"Leave then." I felt hurt, today of all day I had to fuck up.

"Can I please tel-"

"IT CAN WAIT, LEAVE NOW!" Tears rapidly fell. He was hurting my heart, but I need to calm down. To much blood flowing could result in something bad, and right now I don't need that to happen.

"What if it can't.." I whispered as I got up and left for the store.

Mole pov

What if it can't? Why the hell can't it wait?! 

Ugh I don't need this right now. I fucking killed lammy today. I KILLED HER! I don't know how exactly, but I was walking in the park this morning, stepped on something that cause her death.

I needed to be alone.

I'll tell her tomorrow I'm sorry, but she doesn't understand what I go though every day. No matter how hard she tried to.

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