fuck normal flipqy x reader

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(goes to Pleasurable pain- after)(pov swapping)

reader pov

School, a literal place of hell for some, a place of no worries for others. I don't know how I'm supposed to go back to talking back to him like nothing ever happened! he took something that is precious to most girls.. What? There are some girls that are just born sluts nowadays.


Anyways i decided to skip school yesterday, for certain reasons... off track. looking back in my eyes through the mirror, i could see the dark bags from barely sleeping last night. my hair was a wild mess, my night clothes bunched up between my thighs and showing my stomach a little. the thoughts of seeing him today and the fact that we now only have today, Thursday, and Friday to work on our project... god i wanted to go for something cool, but i guess messing with Gallium would work.. maybe?

gripping my hair and releasing a frustrated shout, I start getting school ready.. even though I'm still sore and have all kinds of hickeys and bite marks, I have too go to school. So foundation and makeup will have to do today. Not to mentions my 'new and improved uniform' i have no clue when he did it. but before he left me he gave me a new uniform that fits like Petunia's, tight fitted. i grab my makeup box and get to work on covering my neck.

flipqy's pov

"What has you down. you came to school smirking and left pissed yesterday. Now your just punching a bag out of anger, its really showing also." splendont said. I kept throwing punches at the punching bag, I really don't need to blow the school up. As much as I want to I won't.


what the hell!?!? why does she keep crossing my fucking mind! I DON'T like this feeling she gives me!!. She barely spoke to me when I left, even when I gave her a better uniform, she said her few words and I left. people best stay to them selves when she wears it also. for some reason i feel protective of her. like she's a rabbit and I'm a wolf, and I'm protecting that rabbit without reasons? god! I throw a punch at the punching bag that had made the chain snap. the chains are shit here, nothing new.

" I can't understand my self in all honesty. I just.. I don't know." i signed. looking up, letting my shoulders relax. 30 minutes till school starts, September 19, 2018. where I rule the hell that is raised here.


a message? i grab my phone fastly; something Splendont didn't miss and started smirking for.

{nick/name} : can we talk? i got an idea for the project, unless you have an idea? we can mix them or work with it. or go with yours. I don't care just meet me at the tree. plz..


Is she trying to be subtle about what happened? or is she just not wanting to talk about it, will she ever want to talk about it? A MONTH FLIPQY! calm down. stop acting like a love sick puppy! like she's your.. CRUSH?!?!?!

"so a girl I'm guessing?" I turn my head towards my best friend. nodding. but don't forget the arrogated puff also.

"well go on, to her I mean. not sure why you all the sudden have a change of heart but go on. talk about it to me later." Splendont started walking away.

Best friend i wouldn't change for the world. always been there for me as I for him.

I started walking to the tree where we first met, not to far from were I was. I spot her instantly, wearing the uniform i had given her. it was still black and nightshade, also had a bit of forest green to it. not much but still there. I don't deserve her , I don't want her, but I can own her. God why do you make me have a mental war with my self. god why are you so fucking beautiful.

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