Beautiful Mistake: Part 2

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Third person POV:

An outdoor art show is going on in a nearby park, and various citizens of the town are walking around and enjoying the colorful paintings on display. Aurora, dressed in a black strapless jumpsuit, stops a woman to admire her jewelry.

"What a lovely necklace!" She stated cheerfully. She then, stares the woman in the eyes and compels her.

"That emerald would really flatter my eyes, don't you think?" The woman smiles as though in a daze and takes off the necklace before handing it to Aurora.

"I think my necklace would flatter your eyes." The women replies back,

"Thank you! You shouldn't have." Aurora states as she takes the necklace from the women's hand, and just as the women walks away Klaus appears behind Aurora and approaches her.

"Will you be taking candy from a toddler next?" Klaus stated as Aurora turns her head to look at him standing there with Lilian right next to him, she smiles at him seductively as she keeps her back to him.

"If I should happen to be in the mood for something sweet..." Klaus smiles back at her before lowering his voice slightly as he takes the necklace and fastens it around her neck, lifting her hair out of his way. The intimacy of the gestures seems to surprise her.

"Come with me. And don't worry-- I promise we won't bite." Klaus stated as he takes Aurora's hand and leads her away from the crowd with Lilian following behind,

"So, am I to receive a stern talking-to for my poor behavior?"

"On the contrary! I've cleared my calendar for the day. I want to show you my city."

"Is this your attempt to discern whose side I'm on?" She replies suspiciously,

"I'd love to know whose side you're on. But it would be rude of me to ask such blunt discourse from so beautiful a woman without first buying her lunch. Wouldn't you agree?

"Well, it does seem like most men have lost their manners these days. That shall be lovely. But why bring the dog?" She replies coldly at the last statement, just as Lilian began to growl at her,

"This dog as you politely stated is a wolf, and just so happens to be a gift to my daughter, she's part of the Mikaelson family now, so play nice," Klaus told her, as he bents down to pet Lilian.

"Your daughter-- you mean my precious sweet girl-- the one you stole from me and Lucien." Aurora stated with anger,

"My daughter-- I raised her and if you would like to see her-- well it all depends on your answer." Klaus states then chuckles in amusement as he watches Aurora walk ahead of him and Lilian.

Freya has just finished writing a short note which reads, 'Call home, Sister, please,' and she rolls up her sleeve in preparation to send it to Rebekah. A moment later, a worried Elijah walks in as he hangs up his phone.

"She's still not answering." Elijah puts away the phone and walks in to join his sister. Freya takes the note and curls it into a ball, which she holds into her hands as she concentrates and performs the spell that should deliver the message to Rebekah.

"Touve mon se kavo. Touve mon se kavo." Freya begins to chants, Suddenly something goes wrong. Freya looks down at her hands, which are now covered in dripping blood, and both she and Elijah look horrified.

"There's nothing to connect to. She's gone." Freya stated as she looks at Elijah, visibly upset.

"What do you mean, 'She's gone?'"

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