Beautiful Mistake: Part 1

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Klaus POV:

As I stand in front of the fireplace with my back turned to Aurora on my bed asleep and my phone held against my ear. my lips quivers in horror as I silently hang up the phone. Just then, Aurora awakens, looking happy as she sits up and wraps the comforter around her chest.

"What are you doing over there? Come closer." She states as I keep my back turned to her for a moment so she can't see just how murderously furious I am,

"I think it's best you remain out of arm's reach." I told her coldly. Aurora's smile only dims slightly as she sighs knowingly,

"So, I take it you've heard about the busy day everyone's had. Let me take away that scowl." I finally turn to face Aurora and glare at her suspiciously,

"I'll tell you everything I know." She then continued.
24 Hours Earlier:
Freya's POV:

   At ST. LOUIS CATHEDRAL, I'm in the middle of casting a spell in the attic where I used to work before I moved into the compound. On the table are a dozen lit white candles, a smoking sage smudge-stick, and a map, while a spindle hangs from the chandelier and points Morocco on the map. In each of my hands are various multi-colored crystals, and there are several other tables and candlabrums full of lit candles as well. After a moment, with my eyes closed I reach over and pick up a shot glass full of dark liquor before downing it in one gulp. The alcohol activates my spell, allowing me to astral project to a hostel in MOROCCO. When I open my eyes, I am sitting at a table in a colorfully-decorated home, and I smile affectionately at Rebekah, who is sitting across from me in her witch body and has just finished a shot of alcohol of her own.

"I told you this was better than exchanging stuffy old letters." She states with a smile,"Well, a drink with my sister beats sireline drama any day." Rebekah pours them another drink while they continue talking.

"Lucien has always been a pain in the ass. Though, he pales compared to that stuck-up twit Tristan."

"Oh, don't forget about The Strix. There's more of them in the Quarter every day. I may yet join you here in the flesh." I state,

"Well, I would love the company. Though, I might not be here much longer-- I have a meeting with a Santería witch who may know the key to bringing back Kol." As she replies I smile happily at the news.

"We may unite the family after all." Rebekah then looks at me with concern,

"Now tell me, how are you managing with them?"

"Well, Niklaus and Elijah are on intermittent speaking terms... Which I've decided to consider progress!" I tell her as we each pour ourselves another shot of alcohol, Rebekah then rolls her eyes and says,

"What about Payton?" Rebekah asked with a slight smile coming across her face,

"She's amazing, filled with love and kindness. It's hard to believe Klaus raised her." I tell her with a slight chuckle coming from the both of us,

"To be fair I was there when it came to her womanly questions, she wasn't always a vampire at first and Klaus was horrified when she came up to him one day asking and I quote 'why am I bleeding father'," she states with a small squeaky voice in order to personate young Payton, we began to laugh as she continues,

"I think I don't have to explain what she meant by that,"

"No, you don't. I can only imagine Klaus's face as she said it," I told her.

"Oh, it was tremendously hilarious... only to find out it was Kol who put her up to it. But that didn't stop the questions from flowing after that night, not even Elijah could handle to questions she was asking. both brothers asked me... no, begged me to give her the answers instead of them claiming its only right because I am her aunt. Of course they just didn't want to ruin the image of Payton being innocent in their minds." she explained causing us to laugh at every statement she told me.

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