A Walk on the wild Side Part 2

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Payton's POV:

    I find my way back to my uncle's side as we listen to where the commotion began with Lilian right next to me seeing Tristan walk up to my father with a hint of annoyance in his eyes,

"You should move along. You're not welcome here." He says,

"Oh. Oh. Okay, We're... We're not welcome here." He calmly says while laughing to the crowd of women and Lucian,

"Or maybe you should move along before I make you cry in front of all your little friends." He continues facing Tristan then laughs while taking sips of the champagne he took earlier.

"My concerns is for your companions. They appear out of sorts without a shiny pole to writhe upon." Tristan states with a slight smirk on his lips.

"Oh! He is suggesting that you're exotic dancers, which to him is an insult. If not somewhat hypocritical. But don't take it personally, love. He finds all work demeaning. The only dignified way to accumulate wealth is by birth. Boop." Lucien states then boop Tristan's nose allowing my father to laugh at this,

"Isn't that right, Tristan, hmm?" He continues while clapping both of Tristan's shoulders.

"Niklaus." Elijah yells in order to get my father's attention,

"What is it?" My father turns rather drunkenly in search for the source of the voice,

"Oh." My father says as he spots my uncle coming towards him with me right behind.

"You're hammered. Which should come as very surprise to anyone here. but it does hamper the festivities somewhat. So, could I recommend that you find the nearest exit?" Uncle Elijah states calmly towards my father as I stand by and watch.

"Just...," My father whispers but was cutoff by my uncle,

"Yes, and could you take your playthings with you, too?" My uncle states patiently just as my father  shoves his champagne glass into uncle Elijah's hands before staggering farther into the ballroom.

"You know, I used to find it insulting that I was barred from your special little club. But now, I realize that I lack the flexibility to become a member-- I could never get my head far enough up my own ass." My father bowls dramatically and laughs, while Tristan and uncle Elijah exchange annoyed glances.

   Lucien and their companions are delighted by my father's behavior. My father then walks back over to Elijah and takes the glass from his hand before downing the rest of the champagne in one gulp and handing it back to him. Afterward, he makes a disgusted face at Tristan,

"Cheap" he says, by then I decide to step in,

"Dad, let's go," I whisper into his ear, his looks softens as he sees me, he then turns to address Lucien and the others,

"Come on. Let's go. This party's dead anyway." He states and they all turn to leave, howling and laughing loudly as they do so.

"I apologize for my father's actions, unfortunately I must take my leave, thank you for your hospitality," I state with a friendly and apologetic smile to Tristan,

"No need to apologize for his actions, it was a pleasure in seeing you tonight, and I do hope to see you in the near future, my dear." He says as he takes my hand to his lips and kisses it, I give him one final smile before turning to uncle Elijah,

"I will see you at home uncle," I say, he gives me a nod in response and I take my leave with Lilian following right besides me catching up to my father and his little group.

   Sitting on a nearby couch I listen to what my father tells Marcel who is asking for his blood to heal the bite my mother gave him in order to fight off a vampire for his final test to join the strix,

"I bet they were all so impressed, weren't they? Hmm, your new mates? Positively taken by your boldness, your cunning wit, and your steely resolve. And you just assumed that I would be willing-- eager, even-- to drain the blood from my veins in the aftermath." My father tells him with annoyance in his voice as Marcel remains silent and continues to pant for breath as he leans weakly against the table, my father rolls his eyes as he walks over to him.

"We cannot tell friend from foe, and what are you doing? You're pledging a fraternity run by those conspiring against us!"

"My interest in The Strix is because of you." Marcel states leaving me and my father surprised by this statement, 

"I don't get to choose sides. Whoever comes for you, comes for me. That's all I need to know." He continued just as he looks towards me as well, before my father can respond, a tired-looking Freya walks into the room to talk to him.

"She's awake." Freya says talking about the witch she saved during the gala,

"I'll go," I tell him then walk downstairs to see Lucien with his witch who's name I just learned to be Alexis.
Klaus Pov:

"I'm sorry. I hoped I was wrong, Lucien. I really did. But I saw it. I saw him die." Alexis states with tears closely starting to fall as she's surrounded by me, Payton, Hayley, Elijah, and Freya.

"Did you see the weapon?" Lucien asked her and she nods in response,

"What is it?" He continues to ask,

"To understand, it must be seen." She states and smiles weakly at Lucien, who frowns in confusion for a moment as I stare at them both suspiciously.

   Alexis holds her wrist out to Hayley, who sits down next to her on the couch. Lucien stands to his feet and allows Elijah to take his seat next to Alexis so he can see the vision as well, and she holds out her other wrist to him. Hayley and Elijah look at each other warily before they each bite into Alexis' offered wrists and begin to feed. After a couple of minutes Alexis's nose has begun to bleed, and Hayley quickly stops feeding on her, looking at the blood on her hands in fright. Suddenly, Elijah throws up all the blood he had just drunk onto the floor, and Hayley looks sick as well as she tries to keep herself from throwing up.

"Something's wrong." Hayley moans out,

"Poison!" Elijah states, looking up at us with terror in his eyes, Alexis then gags before she, too, begins to vomit up a large amount of blood, and Lucien, alarmed, rushes over to Alexis, whose nose and mouth are still bleeding profusely,

"No! No!" Lucien yells out, Alexis weakly falls into Lucien's arms as he desperately tries to wake her,

"NO! No, no, no, no, no!" He continues to say. Alexis falls into his lap and dies, I look at them both suspicious and concerned regarding what has just happened.

Third person POV:

   As morning draws by Klaus, who has just returned to his study to find a post-it note stuck on his decanter of bourbon on the table. He picks up the note, which reads "This is your heads up. I'll be here all day. --Freya," just as Payton walks in reading the note behind him,

"Does this mean I can finally sleep," she smiles up to him as he turns to see her still wearing her black dress from the gala last night,

"Indeed you can, my little rose," he tells her smiling back down at her, he then writes a note for Freya.

   Once he's done, he sticks the note on the stopper of the decanter of bourbon before he leaves with Payton. The note reads, "Thank you. --K"
Sorry it's been awhile I hope you enjoy this chapter I will be posting every Thursday now.

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