Chapter 1 : Sad Song

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"You and I
were like fireworks
and symphonies exploding
in the sky, with you, I'm alive
like all the missing pieces of my
heart they finally collide.So stop
time right here in the moonlight
Cause I don't ever wanna close
my eyes"

A sweet angelic voice echoed through the hallways which would awaken the depths of a heart.

The soft and clear articulation was also accompanied by the lovely melody of the piano.

The possessor of the voice swayed along with the harmony produced.

"Without you, I feel broke, like I'm half
of a whole, without you I've got no
hand to hold.Without you, I feel
torn like a sail in the storm."

The young women truly felt torn into pieces.

"Without you, I'm just a sad song"

She carried on singing and playing the piano with her gentle lady-like fingers.

"I'm just a sad song...
I'm just a sad song...
Oh! I'm just a sad song..."

With that she concluded her ravishing recital.

Music truly takes you to another level.
It soothes the mind.

The girl felt much more relaxed now.

But somewhere still felt low.

It still ached.

It was her broken heart.

Music always made her relaxed, but there was one thing it could never do.

That is heal her broken heart.

Nothing healed her broken heart.

How could it be healed?

A part of her heart was already missing.

A part of herself was missing.

And there is only one person who can heal it.


With her heart still shattered, she tried to calm down and just ease herself by getting herself a cup of coffee.

The only sound that could be discerned now was the ticking of the clock and the sipping of the coffee.

Unlike the silence she used to have with her, this silence had no warmth,love and comfort.

She let out a huge sight

"Only if the world was not judgemental.
Only if this kind of love was not forbidden.
Then maybe...."

She was cut off by her own thoughts.

'What's the use? No matter how much I think and debate with myself, nothing is ever going to change'

But while her mind said something, her heart whispered the other.

"...but you can't control whom you love!"
She uttered.

'Sad song' by We The Kings

I personally recommend you all to listen to this song.

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