They are always like that— Pond and Ae, they know things just the both of them know. Tin won't be shocked if one day, they confessed they murdered someone. They're always mysterious, always stopping talking about something very serious whenever they see Tin coming their way.

Tin raises his eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Ae pales and punches Pond's arm. "Nothing. It's nothing. He's just joking."

Pond smiles, "Yeah. I'm just joking."

Months ago, Tin notices Ae flinching away from him every time he speaks of anything he's doubting especially when he speaks about Pete— Ae just always always has to say something when it involves Pete.

Tin isn't an idiot, he knows there's up to Ae and Pete, what is it specifically, that he doesn't know yet but he will know, soon. But not now. He has a problem of his own.

"Why don't you say sorry to him, Tin? You really hurt him." It's Tum again.

Tin scoffs. Hurt? He didn't hurt Can. It's just water. It won't hurt anyone. Can's just overreacting.

"What is it to you anyway? Are you friends?"

"Yes. We are friends."

Tin frowns even more.

Something about Tum's confidence over the word 'friends' puts a heavy feeling inside him. He doesn't like that word mixed up with Tum and Can.

"Why are you even friends with him? I already told you, right? Don't befriend him. Do not befriend Can."

"What is it to you Tin? You hate him. I like him, he's cool. I want to befriend him. Why don't you want me to be friends with him? Are you threatened?"

"Please. Why will I be threatened?"

"Maybe because he likes me and he hates you."

"He doesn't like you."

"Maybe not yet. But I'm sure he hates you."

Tin clenches his fists. He doesn't know why he's triggered but he wants to punch the living daylights out of Tum just to wipe that smile from his face.

"I don't care if he hates me and I don't care if he gets to like you, just don't be friends with him. It's a rule."

Kengkla, for the first time ever, snorts. "Dude, this isn't an organization. What rules are you saying?"

"From now on, we have a pact, that is, to torment Can."

"You are out of your mind if you think I'll accept that. Can didn't do anything to you. Can's my friend now and I won't heed any of your command against him. I'm out. Just call me if you pull your head out of your ass."

Tum leaves.

Well, that turned out well.

"Dude, just talk to Can." Ae.

"Yeah. Because your whining is already irritating me." Kengkla.

"Invite him to your bed maybe then that'll resolve all your tensions for him. It's all sexual tensions Tin." Pond.

"Shut up!"


"Say sorry to him, Tin."

Tin groans. Even at his own house, someone is still urging him to apologize to Can when in the first place he didn't do anything wrong.

What is he going to apologize for?

"I didn't do anything to him."

"You hurt him."

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