Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

The Shackles Of Fate

" But Madame Pomfrey-"

" You took a hard hit to the head, Miss Riddle, you need the rest." She told me for the fifth time since we had been dragged back to the castle by Snape. Cass, Spencer, and Jackie had been sent back to the common room, while I was brought to the hospital wing. Harry, Hermione, and Ron lie in beds on the other side of the room. There were still people out looking for Lupin, no one would listen about Pettigrew, and Black had been loked in an empty room in one of the towers.

I had bandages on my forehead and cheek, and Madame Pomfrey told me that I did have a concussion. I had assured her that they hadn't been caused by Lupin, and that they were claw marks from a cat, but she said that she was going to dress them anyway. Harry and Hermione awoke a few moments later, and the minister came in with Snape to talk with them. Dumbledore came in while they were trying to get the minster to listen to them about Black and Pettigrew. The Minister and Snape left them with Dumbledore, while Madame Pomfrey went into her office.

Dumbledore explained that there was no hope in proving that Black was innocent without Pettigrew, who had disappeared and that no one would listen to a bunch of 13 year olds. He said something else in a low voice, to low for me to hear, before he turned and left the room. Once he was gone, Hermione pulled Harry to the center of the room, and looped something over his neck. " Sorry Emrys, but there's only enough room for two." Hermione told me before they suddenly vanished. I had just enough time to blink, before the doors flew open and the two of them reappeared, both out breath like they had ran all the way to Hagrid's and back.

" Do I even want to know?" I asked and they shared a smile. " Everything is going to be fine now." Harry said and I stared at them in confusion. " Okay." I said unsure before Madame Pomfrey reappeared to give us all a piece of chocolate, which we all took without complaint just as a loud noise of anger filled the air. A few seconds later, the door flew open and Snape, the Minister, and Dumbledore appeared.

Snape demanded to know how he had helped Black escape, and I frowned in confusion. " They've been here the whole time, sir." I called out nibbling calmly on my chocolate, but Snape seemed to be the only one who wasn't buying it. After everyone had gone, and Madame Pomfrey had returned to her office, I leaned back against my pillows.

" Thank you, Emrys." Hermione told me quietly and I shrugged. " I thought I owed Harry something for all the times he saved my life, plus I thought Black was pretty cool."

" Slytherins." Harry said

" Gryffindors." I retorted

Then, Ron sat up with a moan of pain and questioned us on what had happened, and the two of us left Hermione to explain it to him.


" So, does you mum's journal say anything about this whole Pettigrew mess?" Jackie whispered to me as I read through it, and I let out a sigh. We were on the train heading back home. Our third years was over, and the summer had begun.

" My mum wrote down every detail, from the moment she found out she was pregnant to the moment I was born. Even to the moment she fled that Halloween night. There's no mention of Pettigrew, by name, but there is something about someone giving my father information in the months before Lily and James Potter died. So in a way, yeah I guess."

" Anything interesting enough to tell us?" Cass asked leaning over to read over my shoulder, and I smirked before flipping forward a couple of pages. " Yeah, there is, I guess."

My friends moved closer so that they could read.

February 14th, 1980 

Today, for the first time in a long time, I was filled with great joy. Even in this dark place, I found a reason to smile, and an even greater reason to keep myself going. Today I was given my greatest gift, bringing her in to the world was something that I will never forget, and looking upon her face makes my heart swell. I did not care that she resembled him more then me, all I cared was that she was mine.

My joy, of course dimed when she was pulled from my arms, and I feared that he would not be pleased at thought of a daughter, instead of a son, but when he looked down at her there was no anger, nor was he displeased, in fact he held her as if she were the most precious thing to him.

The name he bestowed upon her was Emrys Merope Riddle, after his mother and only magical parent. A beautiful name, yes, but I fear that as she grows to know and understand, she might come to think of her name as a shackle to her fate, as I did.

If my daughter is to have a future, if she is to thrive, then she must be freed from this dark place. I must save my daughter, even at the cost of my own life.

 End Of Book 3

So, what do you guys think so far? What do you think will happen next? Do you think that Spencer's crush will finally make an appearance? Who's your favorite character so far?

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