Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Skipping Stones

I sat down by the lake by myself glaring at my textbooks, the others had already gone up to the castle for lunch. After several more minutes, I leaned back against the tree with a sigh, my knees pulled up to my chest. Then I got an idea to cure annoyance, and glanced around before getting up, and stepping closer to the water. I searched the shore for a moment before finding what I was looking for, a small flat stone. I took one last look around before focusing my power to the small stone and throwing it as hard as I could. It skipped several times, sunk, and then came shooting back to be thrown again. I did this several times, before the sound of clapping reached my ears, and I turned to find Professor Lupin standing a few feet away. My face went red and I dropped the rock in guilt.

" Wand-less, not many can do it at your age, then again..." He trailed off and I let out a sigh. " None are like me." I muttered.

" they aren't." He agreed before walking over to join me at the shore. " Dumbledore told me, about your situation, Emrys."

" know that I'm-"

" Yes." He responded, and I glanced up to find not anger, or fear, or hate. I saw understanding. " When Dumbledore told me, I was surprised. Surprised and very curious. Not many in the world know of your existence, and I'm sure you would like to keep it that way, yes?"

I nodded in response before suddenly jumping as he placed a hand on my shoulder. " Your very bright, Emrys, but your lack of faith in yourself shows. You actually remind me of someone." He chuckled and I raised an eyebrow in confusion as he stepped away. " Your also lucky to have friends who understand you so well. Keep them close your heart, Emrys. Most of all, cherish them." He told me before walking away.


" I can't wait to visit the joke shop, I hear its the best there is" Jackie said gleefully.

" And Honeydukes." Cass added.

" The three brromstick sounds nice." Spencer grinned

When I said nothing, the three of them stared at me. " What about you, Emrys, what are you looking forward to?"

" I might have turned my form in, but I feel like going this time."

" But....why?" Cass said sadly, and I shrugged.

" It's the dementors, isn't it?" Spencer questioned and I turned the page of my text book in annoyance. " I'm sure it will fine, come on." Cass pleaded. After several more pleas from them, I finally gave in and went to put my stuff away, before joining them with rest of the rest third years.

When we returned later that evening, Jackie was carrying a large bag of pranking items, which she stuffed in her pocket once we reached the grounds. Cass, Spencer, and I were tossing sweets back and forth, though we to put it away for later in the common room. I parted from my friends so that I could run up to the owlery to see if my mum had sent me a letter while I was out, she hadn't sent me one lately, and I was starting to worry.

I had just reached the top of the stairs, when a large grey owl landed in front of me. Quinn, my mother's owl. I took the letter, thanked her, and then let her join the other owls to rest. I had a letter to give her, but decided to wait until later when I knew she wouldn't pass out in midflight.

I hurried back down to the great hall, and Cass glanced over with a snicker as I sat beside her out of breath. " What did you do, run all the way back down here?"

" Shut up." I told her with a laugh, before I loaded my plate with food from the feast. " Did your mum send you anything?" Spencer asked and I nodded with a look of glee. " I'll send my letter later. Quinn looked like she needed the rest."

" You can use mine if you want." Spencer offered and I shook my head. " I can wait, there's not really anything important that I need to tell her." I responded.

" Alright, suit yourself."

We were on our way back to the common room when we were suddenly told to return to the Great Hall. Word spread quickly when we arrived, but we only heard it when we joined Jackie in the corner where she had found a spot away from everyone else for us.

Sirius Black had arrived at Hogwarts

Emrys Riddle and The Prisoner of Azkaban (Book 3 of the four Ribbons Series)Where stories live. Discover now